The Sifford Sojournal

Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

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Goat Breeding Time 2021!

Early November means goat breeding time — time to put our billies and nannies together in hopes the Lord might graciously grant offspring starting in April, when usually it’s starting to warm up!

Even though we tried to keep some new does we kept from last year’s offspring away from the bucks, one got to one of them and had kids, and one didn’t, and so this year is her first time with the boy goats!

And without further ado, here’s the adventure from this year!


As always, we are grateful to the Lord for His continued provisions, and we pray He might grant offspring, according to His will!

— David

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: 2021 6th & 7th Chick Hatchings

We are grateful to the Lord for Him granting two more rounds of chick hatchings this 2021!

Here’s group 6. We put 12 eggs under her, and we’re pretty sure she hatched them all out! They’re doing pretty well, although some, especially one, have shown signs of getting sick (standing kind of scrunched up, often with the wings down a little, not very active), so I’ve been giving about an 1/8 to 1/10cc of 660ppm angstrom silver, 2-3 times a day, tapering that over time…most seem basically better, except the one, although it seems improved as well, for which we are thankful:

6th 2021 Chick Hatching
More of 6th 2021 Chick Hatching

And here’s group 7. 8 originally hatched out, and 1 had started but wasn’t progressing, so I helped it a little by breakup up its egg shell some, and it made it out, although I found it dead soon after. 🙁 However, the other 8 are still doing fine!

7th 2021 Chick Hatching
More of 7th 2021 Chick Hatching

And here’s their video:

Again, we are always very thankful to God for these new provisions, and any food He might grant from them, for us and others, we pray!

— David

Storing Rain VI – West Tank (Pond)

While a decent amount of water on average is supposed to fall on our county, it usually comes in spurts, so we are always looking for ways to store more.

Even though I added an extension onto the original tank (ground water ponds are called “tanks” in Texas 🙂 ) that was here, it can sadly dry up, which not only doesn’t really allow for stocking it with fish, it also means less water available for the cattle, and last year we had to start watering the cows off the black water tanks we have, for a few days anyway, after which God graciously granted huge rains and filled up all the ground water tanks again, and we were very thankful!

Still, you can never store enough water around here, and so, after the Lord granting that we be the recipients of a kind and gracious gift of some funds, I thought it a good idea to add another tank.

I had thought originally to put it on our north field, as after good rains we would see standing water, but the ground digging folks who were going to do the job said there wasn’t enough water running through there…that we really needed lots of acres feeding a tank to be good. At that point I wasn’t sure what else to do. But then I thought, you know, we have a pretty good creek going through our place that flows really well with heavy rains. And so, we went back there, and they said that this would be a much better place and would probably work well. Well, great!

Here is part of the area where the creek would flow through before they started:

New Pond Digging Area
More of New Pond Digging Area

After they brought a backhoe out to make sure they could get through the top so-many feet and weren’t going to hit rocks to where they really didn’t think they could dig, they began.

Lots of trees to clear. It was hard to see some of the bigger oaks go down, but now we have stacks of firewood to cut up for quite some time!

Here’s the bulldozer they used:


The trees were no match:

Bulldozer Felling Trees
Bulldozer Felling More Trees

Here’s the area cleared:

Part of Cleared Tank Area

And then the digging commenced!

Digging New Tank
More Digging New Tank

Between knocking down trees and digging, they didn’t get a lot of dirt moved that first day, but here is the progress after day 2. Sue’s there to give some perspective of the size of the dug-out area:

New Tank After Day 2
More of New Tank After Day 2

And this is the back side of the berm after day 2:

New Tank Berm After Day 2

Here they are back at it again on day 3:

New Tank Day 3 Digging

They’d use the claws in the back to break up the dirt to make moving it more easy:

More of New Tank Day 3 Digging

And here’s after digging day 3:

New Tank After Day 3

And then after digging day 4. We still had planned probably at least another full day of digging:

New Tank After Day 4
More of New Tank After Day 4

This is from on top of the berm:

Still More of New Tank After Day 4

But then, the Lord indicated to us that we were apparently going to be done with the digging, because over night and early that morning, He filled it up nearly to the top!

New Tank After Big Rains
More of New Tank After Big Rains
Still More of New Tank After Big Rains
Again More of New Tank After Big Rains

Well, that wasn’t going be pumped out so they could continue, so we thanked God for the rain and the water stored in the new tank, and submitted to His perfect, wise and good will in deciding when we were done. 😀

All that was left after that was for the digging crew to come with the road grader and “top” the berm, make a spillway off to the side to allow for overflow so we weren’t blocking the water flow entirely from those down stream, and then perform some final clean up.

First, we thank the Lord for the provisions He granted to be able to do this!

And we thank the very nice people who gave us those funds…thank you very much again!

And we thank Him for His graciously granting the rain and directing us in our endeavors with His perfect will!

Prov 16:9 – “A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.

We pray He always does, and who better to do this than the great Jehovah God, King of all creation!

— David

Psalm Singing – September 2021

We finally finished up recording the next set of Psalms from the psalter we use, this time Psalms 94A-98B!

Interestingly in this set, Psalm 98A breaks off into a round amongst the parts half way through, so rather than us switching into the harmony parts in the middle of all the verses like we normally do, we had to include the harmonies from the beginning, and even the bass part this time (although, it’s quite evident I’m not a bass 🙂 ). Still, it was a fun one to do too, and the words are great!

Also as a note, when the Psalm uses the word “stupid”, it means lacking senses, like being in a stupor. See Webster’s 1828 definition for “stupid“.

Without further ado, here they are:

(If the above player doesn’t work, or if you would like to save any of the files locally to your computer, you can click the Download link below, or right click it and click Save As in the popup menu.)

Psalms 94A-98B

We pray maybe these help others learn them, and put a song of praise in our hearts!

Ps 30:4 – “Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.

— David

Previous Psalms singings:

Psalms 1A-12B (minus 4B)
Psalms 4B & 13-18L
Psalms 19A-22E
Psalms 22F-24C
Psalms 25A-27F
Psalms 28A-31G
Psalms 32A-34D
Psalms 35A-37F
Psalms 38B-40F
Psalms 41A-44F
Psalms 45A-49C
Psalms 50A-53
Psalms 54A-59B
Psalms 60A-65B
Psalms 66A-68E
Psalms 69A-71D
Psalms 72A-76B
Psalms 77A-78H
Psalms 79A-84B
Psalms 85A-89H
Psalms 90A-93A

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: Goat Kids of 2021

After goat breeding time at the end of last year, by God’s graces birthing time came about this past Spring! And here are the results!

2021 Goat Kids
More 2021 Goat Kids
Still More 2021 Goat Kids
Yet More 2021 Goat Kids
Again More 2021 Goat Kids
And More 2021 Goat Kids
Yet Still More 2021 Goat Kids

This one wasn’t supposed to get pregnant this year, as she was born last year, but she apparently found a way. 🙂 And we’re extra thankful she had no birthing complications:

Once Again More 2021 Goat Kids

And here is their video through the whole kid season from births to leaving with their new owner:

We are very thankful to the Lord for these gifts, the healthy and safe mommies and kids across the board, and we are thankful for the milk He provides from them!

— David

Garden – Summer 2021

With the abundance of zucchini the Lord granted last year, we decided to only focus on Summer garden plants that work around here — Okra and Black Eyed Peas!

Here’s a picture of the okra, although it’s buried amidst a whole bunch of volunteer (ones we didn’t plant this year) sweet potato plants! We’ll see if anything actually comes of them:

Okra & Sweet Potato Plants

Since there was so much of the sweet potato plants growing by themselves, we took some slips that were growing from the potatoes themselves from last year and planted them. They’re doing ok…you can see a little tuft in the picture above in the lower right from the area where I planted the potato slice itself. You can’t really distinguish them, but there is some growth from the slips we planted along that fence line on the right:

Sweet Potato Slips

Here’s more of the okra and sweet potato plants:

More Okra & Sweet Potato Plants

And here’s a section of black eyed peas. We originally planted some really, really old ones, but nothing happened, so we planted these after the other section below:

Black Eyed Peas Plants

And here’s the first section of black eyed peas planted:

More Black Eyed Peas Plants Plants

And a flower!

Black Eyed Pea Flower

And here’s the view from me in a lounge position on the ground, just to give some height perspective:

Close Up of Black Eyed Peas Plants

As always, we thank the Lord for these little miracles that “just grow” (from our perspective)…we can plant and water, but it takes God’s direct hand of providence to bring forth anything. And we pray He grant us food from them, if He might!

— David

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: 3rd, 4th & 5th 2021 Chick Hatchings

The Lord has graciously continued to grant more chicks this 2021!

This was a surprise pair, group 3. I heard some cheeping in the barn, and eventually tracked it to the loft, and sitting on a bucket of rope on the shelves in the left was a mama and a chick! Whaaaat? An egg had fallen off as well, but I grabbed her and her youngin’ and all the eggs and put her in the brooder barn in a caged area, and she ended up hatching out another one, so we have these 2 extras now this year!

Since this picture, one had gone knock kneed (ie. its knees bending the wrong way slightly) and spraddle legged, but I put an electrical tape binder around its legs to keep them together but spread apart like normal, and have been working with it, and at least now it’s able to keep itself upright. The other one is now out in the chicken pen:

3rd Group of 2021 Chicks

And here’s group 4. We put 12 eggs under this mommy, and not a one was unhatched…wow!

4th Group of 2021 Chicks

And here’s group 5, which has 5 chicks in it! (although 6 were hatched, 1 died pretty quickly)

55th Group of 2021 Chicks

And here’s a video of them all. Group 3 I had to film at night because the mama hen was starting to pick on them, so I had to get her out of there that night:

Video of 3rd, 4th & 5th 2021 Chicks Hatchings

As always, we are very thankful to God for Him graciously granting these new provisions on the homestead!

— David

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