Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: New Calf “Casilita”

The Lord graciously granted our fifth and final calf to be born in 2015! This time, a little heifer calf, born to our cow Casi Blanca!

And here she is:

New Pure Longhorn Calf Casilita

Another of New Calf Casilita

When I went to video her, all of the cattle were there…except for Casi. Strange, and worrisome. So, Robert and I headed on out to look for her. We drove down one road, and suddenly two of what looked like owls flew away from the trees above, and then we saw turkey vultures flying above, and then one over to the left….and that’s when we saw Casi. We got out of the vehicle and walked up to her, and she was quite dead, on her side, very bloated. Sigh. She didn’t appear to be stuck in the fence, nor did I see any trauma to her:

Casi Blanca's Final Resting Place

But, these are God’s decisions, and His cattle, quite frankly.

From A.W. Pink, “Our Attitude Toward God’s Sovereignty”:

A true recognition of God’s Sovereignty will exclude all murmuring. This is self-evident, yet the thought deserves to be dwelt upon.

It is natural to murmur against afflictions and losses. It is natural to complain when we are deprived of those things upon which we had set our hearts.

We are apt to regard our possessions as ours unconditionally. We feel that when we have prosecuted our plans with prudence and diligence that we are entitled to success; that when by dint of hard work we have accumulated a ‘competence,’ we deserve to keep and enjoy it; that when we are surrounded by a happy family, no power may lawfully enter the charmed circle and strike down a loved one; and if in any of these cases disappointment, bankruptcy, death, actually comes, the perverted instinct of the human heart is to cry out against God.

But in the one who, by grace, has recognized God’s sovereignty, such murmuring is silenced, and instead, there is a bowing to the Divine will, and an acknowledgment that He has not afflicted us as sorely as we deserve.”

We are thankful for the provisions He has granted from Casi; and we decided to call her calf Casilita, in memory of her mother.

The little one appears to continue to be doing well, and it’s been told to us that her granddam Amistosa is letting her suckle off of her. That’s a gracious gift from God if so!

Here is Casilita’s video, and just to warn you, I did include the video of when we found Casi:

We are once again very grateful to the Lord for granting this new little provision of cattle!

— David


  1. gail

    Hello David and Susan,
    I remember my husband being led by The Lord to go to check one of our far paddocks one morning. When we got there we found one of cows who had given birth to a beautiful little heifer.Sadly the mother had died. I remember carrying that little weak one back in the truck on my lap to the house where we laid her in front of the wood stove. With lots of care she survived and grew up in a paddock close to our home with some of our sheep. She actually thought she was a sheep. I am sorry for your loss and I admire your post. As you say all decisions are His. It's a timely reminder for all of us. Thank you for sharing the good times and the sad times. I look forward to reading your posts.
    Blessings Gail.

  2. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi gail,

    I'm glad to hear God granted you to find the calf and that He granted it make it! That's funny about the calf thinking sheep thoughts. 🙂

    Thanks to the Lord for His mercies, and what we learn through difficulties/trials/afflictions/chastisements. May we indeed thank Him for those, that He is glorified and His Church is brought good in some way. Rom 8:28 – "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." May He grant us the faith to believe these things truly in our hearts.

    Thanks for say hello! We always pray the God glorifies Himself through our lives and that He might benefit others in some way, if He is so inclined.

    — David

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