Well, with the loss of Elvis and the gift of Reggie from the Lord via our normal goat-kid-buyer back in spring, the things that male and female goats do did take place, as evidenced by the birth of 7 goat kids!
A couple, actually, weren’t expected, as we didn’t really see the mothers being imminent. Plus, one of them has a real problem with her udder, which we’ve been trying to resolve, and just shortly after she gave birth, there was a large blister-ish bubble on the back of her udder, and I accidentally popped it internally, and I don’t know if it was related, but both her right legs started acting injured. Now, she may have injured them, maybe laying too long on that side or something, but she’s still down, and so it was bottle feeding time for the little guy, which we’re calling “Ned”, after his mom Nellie.
Also, our nanny Adeline has a prolonged udder, so for the first while, Sue “gets” to milk her and bottle feed her kids until the udder is higher and the kids figure out how to suckle her. Well, one has figured it out, the boy, but the girl Sue is still bottle feeding. We actually are planning to keep the girl to back-fill for our buck, Shakespeare. We wanted to keep her as she comes from the line of Winnie, our original goat, as she was part Lamancha, and we wanted a little something of Winnie to continue in the herd.
And, in honor of the barbershop name of her mom (from the song “Sweet Adeline”), we wanted to carry that through, so we’re calling her “Lida Rose”, or “Lida” for short.
We named her brother too as “Liam”.
One other anecdote: our nanny Lily gave birth to triplets, and we thought they were three doelings, so we named them, “Marsha”, “Jan”, and “Cindy” (think 70’s large-family sitcom; Cindy has long ears, like TV Cindy’s pigtails ). Well, come to find out later, one was a buckling….”Marsha”….so, he’s now called “Marshall”.
Finally, our nanny Hassie had a little girl. So, 3 bucklings and 4 doelings in total.
But, without further ado, here’s their video:
This is a new experience for us, having winter kids, so we’ll see how it goes through the times of bad weather. But, we thank the Lord for His provisions of the new baby goats!
— David
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