When I was about to prepare to put together our 2019 goat breeding blog post, I realized I had sadly forgotten that I had not put out a blog post about our final little goat provision of the year the Lord had graciously granted! He was born much later than all of the others, so we had to wait to be able to sell him.

And here he is!

Last 2019 Goat Kid

And here he is with mama, Hannah. Sue called him “HB” for “Hannah Boy”, and I think I added by calling him “Hannah Boy-berra” 😉

Another of the Last 2019 Goat Kid

Sadly, he didn’t have much time around the other youngin’ goats, but he mixed it up with the best of them as he got older:

And another of the Last 2019 Goat Kid

And here is his video on sell day. You can tell in it that he had a sweet disposition:

We are always thankful to God for Him granting these provisions out here, and we pray they are a blessing to the new owners, and always used as the Lord would have us use them!

— David