Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Garden – Summer 2019

Being 14 years here this year, we took a sabbath year off for the gardens, and took the opportunity to do a complete re-covering of mulch on top of the garden beds, having started this process of “forest bed” mulching, which is laying down the mulch so that it composts over time and helps keep in moisture, back in 2012.

One thing the Lord has graciously granted is that prickly lettuce, which is a wild lettuce, grow here.

And wow, did it grow here this year! All that jungle basically is prickly lettuce! But, I needed it weed-wacked, so I worked to that end:

Garden Overgrowth of Prickly Lettuce

Cutting Garden Overgrowth of Prickly Lettuce

And here’s a quick video of that during that time:

And here it is after the fact:

Garden Mowing Completed

Then, it was time to cover it all:

New Mulch Layer on Garden 1

More New Mulch Layer on Garden 1

And then onto garden 2, which was overgrown the same way as garden 1. Once mowed, thankfully, I was able to cover it in only 4 trips:

Starting New Mulch Layer on Garden 2

Continuing New Mulch Layer on Garden 2

More New Mulch Layer on Garden 2

Garden 2 New Mulch Layer Complete

Finally, God has graciously granted a few volunteer sweet potato plants! We look forward, Lord willing, to maybe a few bonus side dishes! 😀

Volunteer Sweet Potato Plants

We thank the Lord for the resources to accomplish all of this, and we pray He applies the mulch and all of the micro-biology that He provides in His creation!

— David


  1. Joe Putnam

    Hello Siffords,
    Glad to see that your garden is going well. Here on my little 7.1 acre homestead in the southern tip of Indiana I have different issues to deal with, a generally well watered area but with rather thin topsoil on our hills and ridges. This year I put in several large raised beds, filled with soil and compost, and got great results. Love those sweet potatoes!

  2. David and Susan Sifford

    Hello Joe,

    Yes, good soil is a must, as we've also found out by experience. 🙂 We have a lot of rocky ground here too, lots of clay soil, but we pray for God's help and guidance. Glad your raised beds have worked out well!

    We appreciate you taking the time to say hello!

    — David

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