Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Pathways of Protection (aka To Catch a Chicken Thief)

Over the last couple of years, we’ve really had a problem losing chickens to what I believe is a fox. We put all of our smaller animals away at night in enclosures (coups, the barn, etc.) to help against night critters, but this one has been difficult, because it comes during the day in stealth. And so, we had often found a feather pile, and then a missing chicken at night.

Well, one day, after losing one, I was able to discover a feather trail, which led me to an area where the little thief was taking them to eat. And then, I was able to discover from where it was taking them now — a large area of shrub brush to the west of our house, very thick for a human, but nice cover for something trying to be sneaky.

One day, the resident rooster that goes out that direction with some hens alerted, as he had often in the past, and so I went running out there with the shotgun, following the feather path out to the chicken graveyard. I didn’t find the bad guy, but I did notice a hen walking back from that direction along a fence line. So it appeared I had been able to get out there quickly enough for the fox or whatever to drop her and run off. Wow, nice! And how merciful of God to allow that!

The little hen struggled for a week and a half or so, with me having to feed her, but she’s been back with the flock now for some time, although she’s still not quite right, and I’ve had to separate her because I think roosters servicing her were getting to be too much for her legs, and she was starting to struggle to walk or even remain upright.

But, by God’s graces, she escaped the Jaws Of Death, and so I call her JODY. 🙂

For some time I had wanted to carve my way in the shrubbery from where these chickens have been taken, to be able to get in there and perhaps track down the chicken stealer; and now with these consistent attacks, I decided I needed to do it right away.

Here is a video about the whole adventure regarding cutting these shrub-caves with the loppers, about Jody, about my little work-mate Tuscan hanging out with me, and then I take you along for a walk-through of the whole system. Since the Jody attack, and since these have been in place, the Lord has graciously granted no more losses. Whether these throughways have helped or not, I don’t know, but we thank Him for His mercies with the chickens, and for the idea and even physical strength to make the pathways!

Again, we are grateful to God for His mercies, in the chickens, in all our lives temporily, and in His infinite spiritual mercies; we pray for protection from all our enemies, especially our spiritual ones; and may He teach us His way, and lead us in His plain path, of truth, holiness and righteousness!

Psalm 27:11 – “Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.

— David


  1. Judy

    Good work! You all seem to be greening up. We don't have any real trouble with foxes, but the bobcats here will thin a flock in a hurry. Like your predator, they'll strike in the daytime from cover and leave feather piles. The night before last we had a coyote perusing the rabbits right outside the yard gate about 15 yards from the back door and an owl sitting right outside the window on a counter on the porch.

  2. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Mrs. B,

    I believe some of the folks here have seen a bobcat recently here too, and I saw a big owl a few of weeks ago as well. Sorry to hear about your critter woes. 🙁 We pray God's protections for you all, temporily & spiritually.

    Thanks for saying hi!

    — David

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