Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Orange Day 2017 – The 12th

As in years past, in honor of our Protestant heritage against the antichrist Roman Catholic Church, last evening we gathered to remember “The 12th,” an Orange Day celebration commemorating William of Orange’s stand against the Roman Catholics on July 12, 1690, where he defeated their forces at the Battle of the Boyne (see the “Antichrist” section on our “Soul Info” page regarding our belief that the Pope and Roman Catholic Church are the Antichrist and religious system of Antichrist).

This year, we did a reading on this, and recorded the video:

We believe the prophecies of Revelation in the Bible have been rolling out over the Church age since Christ left (this is called the Historicist method of eschatology). In the video, Mr. Stonger mentioned Robert Flemming’s short book called “The Rise & Fall of the Papacy”, which takes the reader through that unfolding of Revelation over the centuries. I would highly recommend it, and you can get a copy at Amazon.

As always, we thank the Lord for granting His word to be given in our language, the spread of that word, and all of the means of grace from Reformation and Puritan writers He has granted! May we use them diligently, and we pray He grants us His graces through them!

— David


  1. Adam

    Excellent post. Thanks for sharing this. Really enjoy your blog,

  2. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Adam,

    Thanks, thanks to the Lord for His light and wisdom. We always pray the Lord glorify Himself through us as He might, and maybe someone might benefit from the blog. 🙂

    Thanks for saying hello!

    — David

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