Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: 2017’s First Three Chick Hatchings

Spring time generally means new life time, and the Lord has graciously granted our first three hatchings of chickens this year!

This is group #1, 9 hatched and 9 still going!

First Chicks of 2017

And this is group #2 in the mini chicken tractor, 7 hatched here and all still healthy!

Second Chicks of 2017

And this is group #3. This was a more interesting one, in that, the first mommy sat a whole brooding cycle and nothing hatched out. And so, we put under her another dozen eggs. She made it two weeks (out of the three-week cycle), became unbroody, and chicken-scratched her eggs all over. Well, we got her out of there and put on the eggs another broody hen we had, and she’s the one that finished them out. She hatched out 4 in total, but sadly the 4th little tiny one I think got stepped on as it looked like its little belly was opened up. Even more sadly for me was when I got out to bury it, after me closing its eyes, it opened them — oh no! It was still alive, gasping ever so slightly for air. But I figured it was too far injured and gone, so I decided I should give it the coup de gras (act of grace). It’s still always difficult for me to take the life of a gift from God that we try very hard to take care of. It’s apparently part of animal husbandry though at times.

But, the other 3 are still doing well!

Third Chicks of 2017

And here is a video of all 3 groups:

As always, we are thankful to God that He grants the chicken flock to continue in this perpetuating manner. May they be used for His glory and the benefit of His Church!

— David


  1. bayougirl

    So happy for your blessing of chicks. How are the goats doing?

  2. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Jill,

    Thank you much…we are very grateful.

    The goats are doing well, thank you. Lots of kids running around now, with thanks to the Lord. We plan to do a blog post on them at some point.

    Thanks for asking, and for saying hello!

    — David

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