Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

A House – Update XXXVI – Internal Siding

To be able to make things a little more functional for living in the house, we’ve started to put up internal siding in the kitchen area. I really like the T-111 siding we used for the ceiling, with its kind of old-timey wood look, so we are going with that for the internal siding as well.

We have a helper for house projects now too, and here Robert is putting up some of the siding:

House Kitchen Siding

And here is the rest of it for the kitchen area:

House Kitchen Siding, East Wall

House Kitchen Siding, North Wall

House Kitchen Siding, More East Wall

House Kitchen Siding, East Wall Complete

House Kitchen Siding, North Wall Complete

Robert did a good job, and to me it looks nice!

Here’s a firewood rack we picked up too, to try to be a little more tidy with the firewood:

Firewood Rack

We are thankful to the Lord God for the provisions to continue on the house!

— David


  1. Ken Brothers

    Robert, Always like seeing your progress and the way you all help each other God Bless Ken in Pa

  2. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Ken,

    I passed along your message to Robert.

    Thanks for saying hello!

    — David

  3. Unknown

    You can put up whole sheets of plywood and then route out the windows afterwards. Saves a lot of time and labor that way.

  4. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi William,

    Thanks for the reminder…forgot about that. We did do that when putting up the external walls:
    http://blog.siffordsojournal.com/2011/08/house-update-ix-exterior-walls.html. Actually took a video of doing that, shown in that blog post.

    The only thing is we're not using full sheets along where all of the windows are (only on the ends). Plus, it would be pretty messy inside with the saw dust. 🙂 But it's a good idea!

    Thanks for taking the time to offer the suggestion.

    — David

  5. Simply Jeannie

    I can not believe the time has flown by and yall have made such great progress.. makes me think of how we are to build on solid rock, not on sand .. I always find that slow and steady gets things ready(properly) vs hasty and slap stick.. I bet all this time and effort is going to just knock yall socks off when its done…

    Have enjoyed your blog for the last several years and I am never short of amazed at how your trusting in Jehovah God has brought you with many blessings and times of reflection.. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  6. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Ms. Jeannie,

    Sometimes slow and steady is the only way available. 🙂 But, we are very grateful to the Lord for His provisions in everything.

    Part of why we are out here is to be less distracted with worldly things so we *can* reflect on God, His ways, spiritual lessons, etc. And we are extremely grateful for the opportunity He's afforded us in that.

    Thanks for taking the time to say hello!

    — David

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