Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Orange Day 2015 – The 12th

Once again, in honor of our Protestant heritage against the antichrist Roman Catholic Church, we gathered to remember “The 12th,” an Orange Day celebration commemorating William of Orange’s stand against the Roman Catholics on July 12, 1690, where he defeated the antichrist Roman Catholic forces at the Battle of the Boyne (see the “Antichrist” section on our “Soul Info” page regarding our belief that the Pope and Roman Catholic Church are the Antichrist and religious system of Antichrist).

Here are some of the sights of our gathering…

Gathering for Orange Day The 12th 2015

More Gathering for Orange Day The 12th 2015

Still More Gathering for Orange Day The 12th 2015

Yet More Gathering for Orange Day The 12th 2015

Again More Gathering for Orange Day The 12th 2015

Continuing to Gather for Gathering for Orange Day The 12th 2015

More Continuing to Gather for Gathering for Orange Day The 12th 2015

And the food festivities!

Orange Day Food

Plate of Orange Day Food

Eating the Orange Day Meal

More Eating the Orange Day Meal

And then a very nice time of fellowshipping together after the meal!

Fellowshipping After the Orange Day Meal

More Fellowshipping After the Orange Day Meal

Still More Fellowshipping After the Orange Day Meal

We are thankful for the faithful saints throughout time who the Lord has kept in His hand to be faithful to the end, even to death. May He grant we never deny Him, and may He grant us that kind of faithfulness to Him, so faithful a Savior.

— David


  1. ~Brew~

    It's so good to see everyone in the pictures enjoying the orange
    celebration. My greetings and Blessings to you all. I always enjoy reading
    your Blog Posts.

    Dennis Brewster

  2. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Mr. Brewster,

    Always nice to hear from you, and we pray you are well! Thanks for saying hello, and may God's graces & mercies be with you!

    — David

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