In our first garden post of the year, we showed the weeding, planting and beginnings of 2015’s Spring garden. Well, it’s early Summer now, and here is how things are progressing, by God’s graces…
First, here are some green beans and zucchini from about a month ago:
And here is where things are as of the end of June…
This is Garden II, with the green beans on the right, and butternut squash and zucchini on the left:
This is a closer view of the butternut squash, some of which you can see:
And here are three okra plants, two on the left, and one behind on the right:
And here are some random turnips growing from seeds planted in previous years!
Over in Garden I, that zucchini planted last year, which sprouted this year, has done just fine!
And here are the tomatoes:
With some growing!
Several more okra plants:
A few carrots in the hugelkultur bed:
And this monster growing is one pumpkin plant, we believe:
With a little pumpkin!
We are grateful to the Lord for His providence in the food and the rains to keep things growing!
— David
So happy that your garden is doing well this year. It seems like the rains must have helped those dormant seeds to sprout. May the Lord continue to Bless both of you.
Well, thank you very much, bayougirl, and for the blessings! May God's graces & mercies be with you.
— David