Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: First Chick Hatching of 2015

Apparently, God’s Spring-season “Broody Time!” memo went out, because He has begun to graciously grant the chicks to start a hatching!

This is round number one, which we usually start in the mini-chicken tractor. It’s an Australorp mama that hatched out six chicks, all of which are still going strong!

Here they are at just a few days old! It’s amazing to me how they can be all squashed up in a little egg like that, and peck their way out — more of God’s miracle ways!

First Chicks Hatched of 2015

More of First Chicks Hatched of 2015

Here’s a video of them:

We are always very grateful to the Lord for Him perpetuating His animal provisions!

— David


  1. Judy

    How wonderful that you all are blessed with broody hens. We have a banty mama who hatched 8 a couple of weeks ago and interestingly she and the daddy raise their chicks cooperatively.

  2. Vicky

    It's lovely to see the Lords provisions for you. Good to see so many more fowl free ranging in the background too, you must have quite a good sized flock. 🙂

  3. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Mrs. B,

    Interesting…I don't think I've ever seen that before. Neat! Thank the Lord for His provisions for you in that way.

    Hi Vicky,

    Yes, we are very grateful. And yes, they run around all day free-ranging. The flock has been getting bigger — the Lord has granted several hatchings each year for the last several years. Lots of eggs, and quite a few rooster meals too. 🙂

    Thank you both for saying hello!

    — David

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