Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Goat Field Grass

When I had bought the seed to plant the north field with sorghum almum (with some millet as a filler), I also had bought enough to plant one of the goat fields that has just turned into more of a place in which the dogs can run around than anything else.

So, just a couple of weeks ago, after the field had been plowed, I wanted to get it planted before some potential rains, and so Sue and I got out there and just walked around, hand-throwing the seed:

Sue Planting Grass Seed

Also, I thought I’d use the shack caddy similarly to how we did the north field, dragging it; but I really didn’t want to use the truck or tractor; and although I forgot about it initially, I didn’t want to hook up the chain to make drag “fingers” like for the north field, as we wouldn’t have been able to pull the caddy by hand with them.

So, Sue graciously accepted my invitation to help me drag it around the field, and we got out there and did it. The result wasn’t as good as having the chain “fingers” behind, but I was hoping it would be sufficient to cover enough of the seed, and that the rains would do the rest.

And here we are on our little “romantic” walk in the field together, including shots from the DavidCam and the SusanCam! 🙂

Thanks to Sue for the help and nice time together! 🙂 And thanks to the Lord for the provisions to plant, and we pray the Lord might grant the grass in the field, so we can be further sustaining, relying on Him directly!

— David


  1. bayougirl

    You two can now say you have been literally equally yoked 🙂

  2. Judy

    David and Susan, we had to giggle. We've done the same kind of human powered drag. 🙂 I learned something from this post as I didn't know about this particular type of sorghum. Does it have the same issues with prussic acid as some of the other sorghums? It will be a wonderful blessing for you all if it grows well. I know pasture can be a tricky thing down there.

  3. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi bayougirl,

    Yes ma'am! I've been very blessed to have been granted Sue as a wonderful helpmeet! 🙂

    Hi Mrs. B,

    Yes, it's very much like Johnson Grass (sorghum halepense), but it is less expensive to buy, and apparently the root systems aren't quite as invasive. However, the sorghum almum (Columbus Grass) apparently does cross pollinate with it. While these are invasive, they're also hearty through drought, which is the kind of grass we want around here.

    Yes, it does have the acid problem, but that really should be manageable by managing the grazing of the animals.

    Thank you both for saying hello!

    — David

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