Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: New Calf “Amadis”

Back around the second week of February, the Lord granted us our next calf for this year! A little bull calf from our cow Adelina! We decided to call him Amadis, which means “to love God.”

Here’s a picture of him — he’s the tan one to the right of the red calf in the middle, and his dam Adelina is to the left:

New Pure Longhorn Calf Amadis

And here’s his video:

We thank the Lord as always for His graces and mercies in granting this healthy new little provision, for the safety He granted in the delivery, and for the continued safety and provision He has granted the entire herd!

— David


  1. Judy

    David and Susan, I have been negligent to keep up with you all and am enjoying catching up this evening. I am so happy that God continues to bless and keep you. The house is lovely. It's kind of hard having to do things a little at a time, we know. I'll be re-working the vintage windows in our house this spring, the ones that are already installed. LOL. But, God is faithful, much more than we are, and he continues to bless us as well. We hope to reconnect and take better care of our friendship.

    Judy and David

  2. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Mr. & Mrs. B!

    Very nice to hear from you! We pray you are all well!

    We grieved with you in your recent loss, and you were, and continue to generally be, in our prayers.

    The Lord is gracious & merciful, and continues to manifest those to us all in many ways, and we are very grateful.

    May God continue to provide for you all, spiritually & temporily.

    Thank you for saying hello! Sue gives a very warm hello to you all too!

    May God's graces & mercies be with you.

    — David

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