This past Tuesday, we celebrated the Passover as a group. Each year we observe this, mostly as a teaching tool for the children, although we pray for spiritual blessings and benefits from it as well, in greater worship of the Lord Christ.
Here are the tables prepared for the evening:
And we began the Passover seder. We use the Passover section from the book, “A Family Guide to Biblical Holidays“:
Part of the seder involves singing of Psalms 113-118, called “The Hallel”:
Here is the seder plate. The lamb represents Christ, the Lamb of God; the bitter herbs (horseradish here) represent the bitterness of bondage; the “matzah” is unleavened, representing how quickly the Israelites had to leave Egypt; the “karpas” (celery here) symbolizes the new life for the Jewish people and the hyssop used to sprinkle the blood on the door posts, and is dipped into salt water representing the tears of slavery; and the “haroset,” a mixture of apples, nuts, grape juice and cinnamon, represents the mortar the Israelites used to build the Egyptian cities, and the sweetness of a better world:
The seder continues:
And then we partake of the Passover meal, the meat even from one of the community members’ sheep they graciously offered for the seder:
With drinks and dessert, the wine and grape juice being for the various cups to be drunk or not during the seder:
And meal time. It was all very yummy!
And a final Psalm sung:
It was a very nice time of fellowshipping together in remembrance of God’s mighty works! We are thankful for the time, pray the Lord glorified Himself through the time, and we pray for His continued light and heat in our lives, and may we be a light to the world for His glory.
— David
This was my families second year at celebrating Passover, and I have to say its getting better and better. This year my husband whom I know YHVH is wooing, participated much more readily than he had last year. It was a blessing. Its even more of a blessing that the father is sending forth HIS SPIRIT to opening the eyes of HIS children and directing them away from the traditions of man steeped in paganism.
Hi Barn Swallow,
Thanks to the Lord for granting you that time, and may He continue to guide and direct you and your family.
Thanks for saying hello!
— David