Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

A House – Update XXI – The Bedroom

In continuing with our house we’re working on, back in the fall, I was hoping to be able to start working on finishing the bedroom so that we could be at least sleeping in there for the winter, with maybe even a small wood burner in place that we plan to have in there. But, resources didn’t really allow for that to come about, although we are grateful to the Lord for allowing us start to make some progress on the bedroom.

I believe it was back in the fall when I was able to get the insulation required for the walls, and here it all is installed:

This is the south wall:

House Bedroom Insulation South Wall

And the west wall:

House Bedroom Insulation West Wall

The north wall:

House Bedroom Insulation North Wall

And the east wall:

House Bedroom Insulation East Wall

And then, just this last community work day (which are the first Wednesdays of each month), the men came over to help put up the ceiling material, which was next on the agenda. I spent some time trying to price out the best deal that also might look kind of nice, and that could be installed fairly quickly; and so, I decided to go with what’s called “rough shod” plywood, which is a less expensive form of “T1-11”-looking siding.

It took three of us on ladders, with two helping below to hand us the plywood and screws (I decided on tan-colored Deck Mate screws, so that they would hopefully hold better than nails and would also blend in color-wise).

Here is the first row done. We decided to starting in the middle and work our way toward each side, in hopes any error in the squareness of the room would show less than if we started on one side, which might cause gaps between sheets and between sheets and walls to become cumulative as we went along. It’s actually kind of hard work holding up that sheet while trying to place it properly:

House Bedroom Ceiling First Row

And here is the ceiling after the day’s work, facing southeast. You can see that we got everything done except that last row to the left:

House Ceiling Facing Southeast

And facing southwest:

House Ceiling Facing Southwest

And then one of the men graciously offered his time on the next Lord’s Day community visitation day to help me put up the last row (which included much smaller pieces width-wise, so just the two of us were able to handle it):

House Ceiling Complete

Much gratitude to the community work day ceiling crew!

House Ceiling Community Work Day Crew

And then it was time for the community work day fellowship meal. Everyone says “hello”, by the way: 🙂

Community Work Day Fellowship Meal

We are once again very thankful to God for granting progress on the house. He’s gracious and merciful in allowing it to continue, and for allowing us the fellowship of the brethren here, in general, in serving one another. It is Sue and my prayer that she and I especially (and of course all of us) grow more in servanthood to Christ and His people.

— David


  1. Judy

    David and Susan, It looks lovely. But, it makes my neck hurt to think about putting up all that ceiling. LOL. I know you will be thrilled to move in. We're living with 3/4 of the floor covering and about 75% bare insulation in our new cabin addition so we understand the unfinished house dilemma. God be with you in your work.

  2. Anonymous

    That looks great. I bet your wife is so pleased to have the ceiling up! 🙂 Your family is blessed to have the community.

  3. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Judy,

    Thank you much, and may the Lord continue to grant His provisions and presence to you both. Sue says to say hello!

    And thanks, ourlittleacres…we are very grateful to be able to continue on the house, and we are so very thankful for the Lord granting us the fellowship.

    Thank you both for saying hi!

    — David

  4. Anonymous

    looking very nice, I have enjoyed watching yall work together and doing it just as it should be, together!

  5. David and Susan Sifford

    Thanks, Barn Swallow. Again, we are most thankful to the Lord for His graces, mercies and provisions.

    Thanks for saying hi!

    — David

  6. Ann from KY

    it is really coming along! I guess now you have to paint the ceiling? or put some sealer on it?

    I like all the light that comes into the home. Awesome!

  7. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Ann,

    Yes, we are very grateful to the Lord for granting the progress.

    Yes, some form of covering. I personally like the lighter wood color, but the wood itself has stains and stuff, so we might have to actually paint it instead of just coat it, Lord willing, at some point.

    Thanks for saying hello!

    — David

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