Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

First Snow of 2013

We weren’t sure what to expect when we woke up the other morning. The weather “peeps” were calling for 1 to 3 inches of snow, depending on which way the weather system moved in the night. Well, it looks like we got about 2 inches!

I thought I’d “carpe that thar’ diem” and take a few miscellaneous videos of the morning chores and scenes around the farm:

And here are a few pictures:

Our wood pile covered in snow with the house in the background. Beautiful!

Snow on Wood Pile

Our garden. It’s hard to believe veggies grow and flourish in the area that looks so barren now. Hmmm, I’ll have to ponder that spiritually!

Snowy Garden

Our orchard covered in snow. “To every thing there is a season”……

Snow on Orchard Trees

Augie and Gigi usually come straight up to the goat area when they are let out of the barn each morning, especially when there is a stiff north wind. They will actually take naps facing the cold breeze. They love to hang out up there:

Geese in Snow

Here is Minnie on the milking stand in the melting, muddy snow. I am very thankful for that green pad on the stand which is the only barrier between me and the wet!

Milking Goats in Snow

Thanks for hanging out with us a little on this snowy morning! May God guide your day!



  1. Topher

    I liked that "carpe that that diem" phrase 🙂

  2. bayougirl

    Thanks for sharing your video and pics of the "critters" in the snow. It made me laugh watching their reactions to it!

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