Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

A House – Update XIX – External Windows and Doors

After the porch roofing was complete, it was on to the windows and doors! Since our cooling and heating is through conventional means, I decided to go with double-paned, LowE windows.

For this part of the house, I was definitely going to need some help; and so during a couple of our first Wednesday of the month community work days, the guys came over, and we started installing.

The most important windows were the pony wall windows above the porch roof, because once those were in, we could be generally rain-free inside the house. Each window was caulked, and we used deck screws on every other hole in the window frame’s “flares” that attach to the wall:

House Installing Pony Wall Windows
House Installing Pony Wall Windows from The Porch Roof

And then we worked on the lower floor windows:

House Installing Main Floor Windows
House More Installing Main Floor Windows

And here are the windows installed! The pony wall windows:

House Pony Wall Windows Installed

And the south bedroom windows:

House Bedroom Windows Installed

And the east library windows:

House Library Windows Installed

Once the windows were done, we worked on the doors. Those are always interesting to do, because you have various things to try to maintain as you get the door into place — that it’s at least somewhat level, that it’s plumb, square, and not torqued or twisted, using shims to accomplish and hold the door in place in the door frame. Interestingly, the first door we did went in without having to work very hard; but it ended up that we should have installed the door knob and hardware first, because when I did that after, the door latches didn’t match, and I had to re-do that entire door. 🙂 Arg…but, lesson learned!

House Front Door from the Inside
House Front Door from the Outside

We’re once again very thankful to the Lord for granting that we be able to progress on the house, and we are grateful to God and to the brethren for the help in this process.

— David


  1. bayougirl

    The windows and door look great! Don't feel too bad about having to re-hang the door – I come from a family of men who are always doing home improvements and doors require quite a bit of finesse. It usually takes more than once.

  2. David and Susan Sifford

    Thanks for the encouragement, bayougirl. 🙂

    — David

  3. ann

    Your home is really coming along! It looks like it is going to be very nice. I love the porch on it! Do you have a goal when you will move into it? God Bless, Ann from KY

  4. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi ann,

    We are just hoping one day *to* be able to move into it. 🙂 That would be a wonderful grace from God. If and when that is going to happen, I have no idea. We have learned out here that things don't happen most of the time as we plan, which teaches us lots of good things, like patience, trust, etc.

    I'm focusing on our bedroom right now, trying to get it "sealed" in so we can at least sleep and hang out in there with a wood burner during the winter. It's slow going, so we'll see.

    Thanks for saying hello.

    — David

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