Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: New Calf “Caramela”

The Lord granted our first calf this year, a little heifer calf, to our cow Carlita. As you can see, she’s a light tan, and so we’re going to call her Caramela, which is caramel in Spanish:

New Longhorn Heifer Calf Caramela

And here is a little video:

Video of New Longhorn Heifer Calf Caramela

We are grateful once again for God granting continued perpetuation of the cattle here, and for the granting of this new heifer calf. We pray for God’s glory in her, and wisdom in raising her.

— David


  1. Anonymous

    Greetings Susan and David,

    Congrats on Caramela! She's a pretty and graceful looking little heifer.

    The herd sure seems mellow with her and each other; watching out for one another well. Fun to watch.

    Thank you Lord, indeed, for the increase for you.

    Thanks for sharing, and the video.

    Have a blessed Ranchfest.


  2. Anonymous

    We were wondering if the "milkman" might have come to visit (a Jersey Bull?) LOL

    She's beautiful. You're entire herd looks healthy.

    We're considering running a few Pineywoods cattle – an eastern woodlands-adapted cousin to the longhorn descended from the original southern Spanish cattle.

    We enjoy seeing/reading and sharing in your blessings.

  3. David and Susan Sifford

    Thank you Beth and onbigturtlecreek, and thank you both for saying hello. May God continue to guide and protect you all.

    — David

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