This is our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life (Hebrews 11:8-10) along the narrow way (Matthew 7:14), even the old paths (Jeremiah 6:16), submitting to the Bible as a light unto both (Psalms 119:105). It is our prayer that these documented moments in our earthly time benefit whom God might choose to edify, but ultimately that God glorifies Himself through them.

Fred and Wilma, and New Chicks

Just wanted to give a quick animal update on some of the new animals here at the homestead:


In exchange for taking care of the Bunker’s boar Wilbur for an extended period of time, we were given one of their males to be the mate of the one piglet we kept out of the last litter of piglets the Lord granted out of Wilbur and Missy, our gilt. We kept the smallest female (in hopes of having her and her offspring of more manageable size: in just dealing with, and in feeding and butchering them), who was also quite feisty — she never had a problem getting in to suckle amongst the rest of the larger piglets.

And so, in honor of her sire Wilbur, we decided to call her Wilma. And given that, we’re calling the male Fred. In this picture, Fred is on the left, and Wilma is on the right. If you’ll notice from the above piglet blog post, Wilma looks just like here “daddy” too:

Duroc Boar Fred and Gilt Wilma

How romantical!

Duroc Boar Fred and Gilt Wilma Lounging Together

New Chicks

Also, we were able to find a local man who inherited an egg incubator and has been hatching out and selling bunches of chicks. We bought 20 from him and have kept them in the mini chicken tractor until they’re ready to run around the chicken pen area (which is our staging area for the main chicken tractor coop). They are all still alive, with thanks to God.

And here they are:

As always, we are grateful to the Lord for allowing us these provisions; and we pray they are all productive resources for the homestead and community.

— David


  1. Anonymous

    Thanks for the post, Siffords. I have made other comments on previous posts which never made it. I pray this one does.

    I finally made a fat lamp with the girls. It is powered by olive oil and throws a pretty good light. I need to get a wider mouthed container so that the top doesn't get so hot, or perhaps I need to pull the wick down a bit. Maybe I need some more experimenting.

    I pray your chicks make it past all the predators and give plenty of eggs and meat. Ours are in molt right now and only lay about 6 a day, and look pretty pathetic as you know.

    I pray continued blessings on you both.


  2. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Todd,

    Neat about the olive oil lamp, and thank you for the prayers. May God's graces and mercies be with you. Thanks for saying hello.

    — David

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