Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Garden 2010 – Spring

Well, once again, it’s that time of year — time to try to grow something for us to eat!

I learned in last year’s garden to wait until mid April to plant because of the potential for late freezes; and so, we did wait. When it came to soil preparation, since we added the vermiculite, peat moss and compost in raised beds last year, all we needed to do this year was add compost, which we did. We hope to be able to develop our own compost someday; but until then, we bought some cotton burr compost and mixed it into the top soil layer in the beds.

And here’s where things are at currently. There are peppers, tomatoes, carrots, squash, zucchini and green beans — basically the same as last year, mostly because it all grew really well. We decided against okra because you have to pick them when they’re three or four inches long or they get very fibrous; and with all of the other vegetables, we just weren’t able to keep up with them properly:

Spring Garden 2010

In this picture, the two small tomato plants are plants I found growing in another raised bed that apparently grew on their own from seed or maybe even tomatoes that had fallen off the plants from last year:

Spring Garden 2010 Tomatoes from Previous Year

And these bell peppers we started from seed in the raised bed:

Spring Garden 2010 Bell Peppers Growing from Seed

And finally, these are still last years’s onions!

Spring Garden 2010 Onions from Spring Garden 2009

We thank the Lord for bringing us through the Winter into the time of Spring, the time of life, and the opportunity to plant this year; and we pray for His provisions of rain, water and sustenance from the plants, according to His will.

— David


  1. Ante Zivkovic

    David and Susan,may our Father bless all your labor, and the labors of all his children.

  2. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Ante,

    For His glory, and amen!

    — David

  3. Anonymous

    Hello David and Susan,

    Nice looking garden beds again this spring. Oh, it's a delight to find little volunteer tomatoes, isn't it? God has blessed us with potential abundance with non-hybridized seed knowledge and acquisitions indeed. Praise Him for His Infinite Wisdom and all His provisions.

  4. David and Susan Sifford

    All thanks to the Lord, and amen!

    — David

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