Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: New Kid “Woodrow”

A few months ago we did a blog post about our goat kids graduation, where we put all the does with the bucks we had planned for them, the first generation offspring does to be with a buck for the first time. Well, a couple of days ago, the Lord graciously granted our first second generation kid, a buck, to our Nubian doe Marie. His sire was Eastwood, who I recently mentioned had died during the winter. But, he apparently helped bring along Marie’s first kid; and in honor of him, we’re calling the new kid “Woodrow.”

He has his father’s colors; and he sure seemed large for a new-born; but I have a feeling we’re used to twins and triplets, who probably end up a little smaller than a single kid might, although I can’t be sure. It appears he’s doing pretty well:

Nubian Doe Marie and Her New Nubian-Alpine Kid Woodrow

Here he is in action. The whining goat in the background is Pammy, who recently gave birth as well:

We are thankful once again to God for His graces and mercies in granting this healthy new provision to us.

— David


1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    He's a big leggy boy. I have a dog named Woodrow — Woodrow F. Call actually. His brother is Augustus, of course.

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