Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Animal Update

We thought it might be nice to post an animal update from around here at our homestead.

And so, here we go…..!

Brodey and Nessa

If you haven’t seen the introductory post on Brodey and Nessa, it might be nice to take a look at it before watching the following video so you can get some perspective on their growth:


This was taken before the birth of the latest calves:


Gary and Gigi



We are grateful to the Lord for the provisions of these animals, and may we use them for His glory.

— David



  1. Anonymous

    Thank you for sharing your life's journey and for giving those of us who wish to follow Him and His ways the perspective that is needed. Love the videos of all the animals!!

  2. Anonymous

    Here is an addition to my previous comment. Thank you Susan for your Journey Into Obedience post. It has helped me to become even more focused on just being obedient and letting God handle the rest. I recently discovered your blog and enjoy it very much. May God bless you and sustain you.

  3. Anonymous

    Neat update on all your animals David and Susan!

    Quite the herd of cattle now and all the animals look healthy and content! Praise God indeed, for His provisions and increases. Nice to hear you're milking the goat now. The dogs look great. I pray they are indeed very helpful in herding and whatever other assignments you give them. Nice big kennel area they have.

    Nice to see you in the videos too Susan! (smiley face!)

    Have a blessed week and again thanks for sharing.


  4. David and Susan Sifford

    Hello Angela,

    Thank you for taking the time to read our blog and for your comments. We pray the Lord uses our blog to bring Himself glory and are thankful you have been encouraged by it. Thank you for your prayers which are very much appreciated. I pray God continues to grant you obedience to follow Him and persevere to the end.

    Beth, thank you for your comment as well. We appreciate you taking the time to follow along with us in our journey.


  5. Unknown


    I enjoyed your animal updates. You have quite the herd of cattle! I was wondering about you being in there with that bull, though. Has there ever been any sign of aggression from him? I wouldn't want to be in there when he decided to start…

    Everything looks lovely and the dogs look so sweet.


  6. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Ginny,

    Thank you for the comment. From our experience, the Longhorns have all been pretty gentle, even the bulls; you have to startle them to rile them up. The biggest concern is inadvertently getting in the way of their horns when they're moving their heads.

    Thanks again,

    — David

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