Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: New Kids “Athos”, “Porthos”, and “Aramis”

The Lord has granted that our doe Winnie give birth to triplets, all males. Please meet Athos, Porthos and Aramis. This is Winnie’s second litter, and our pure-bred Nubian buck Shatner is the sire:

Here’s an introduction to them:

And the next evening them getting around (I’m a little out of breath at the beginning after running to get the camera):

We are once again grateful to God for His provisions of these goats, and the health He has graciously granted them and Winnie thus far.

— David



  1. Anonymous

    That’s truly a wonderful sight!Yes bless the Lord for His provisions. It is always incredible to see new life and HIs increase.
    blessings to you both

  2. Anonymous

    Outstanding names! 🙂


  3. Anonymous

    Quite the increase with 2 births ~ 5 kids!! Wonderful to again see them healthy and vigorous. Praise God indeed for His provisions for you both.


  4. Anonymous

    What a blessing!
    Good ole’ Winnie and Shatner!!
    Now Minnie has 3 little brothers.


  5. Anonymous

    David & Susan

    Your new kids are adorable, where I used to get my milk the lady raised goats, and I would just sit in the car and watch them, they love to jump off of wash tubs any thing that they can find to jump up on, the sad part was that she did not let them stay with the mom, she bottled fed all of the goats,they were a joy to watch, also I am talking about 20 to 30 new goats in the same pen.


  6. David and Susan Sifford

    Thank you all for the comments.

    We try to let our animals do things as God created them to be done as much as possible, like suckling vs. bottle feeding unless absolutely necessary; and for the long-term health of the animals, letting them suckle many weeks before milking and then generally as long as possible or until it is no longer needed as determined naturally through the course of the young ones maturing, figuring that God created the best nourishment for them and that they should have as much of it as possible.

    — David

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