Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: New Calf “Sarita”

The Lord in His graces and mercies granted a new little heifer (female) calf be born this past Sabbath (Saturday) to one of our cows, Amistosa. The calf has a little “dot” of white fur on her otherwise red (brown) head, and that reminded us of a East Indian princess, which apparently is not what the dot means and was just an improper perception we had; but we decided to go with it anyway, so please meet Sarita, which means “princess” in Spanish. She was up and about following her mother in just about 6 hours, we figure.

Her mother’s name means “friendly” (because she has been from the moment we got her), and it appears this little one picked up the gene, because she walked right up to us, which allowed us these pictures:

And this video:

We are very grateful once again to God and His many provisions.

— David



  1. Anonymous

    David and Susan,

    Congrats on the new calf; yes she sure is brave and friendly. Cute too!

    I wondered as I watched the video 2X just now, if she is now running/walking without favoring that R front leg at all. How much later was it that the calf was running after it’s mom quite far from the camera at the end of video from the initial shot where the calf fell to it’s knee? Since you didn’t know exactly how many hours old the calf was, it may just have been in it’s first trials of walking and distracted by you a bit; but may be worth keeping an eye on for a few days. Our holstein calves were up within an hour of being licked off, and only wobbly for a few hours to 1/2 day before they were prancing along quite fast behind mom. So since your calf was trotting along I’d assume it’s o.k., but the leg just looked a bit bowed to me…again maybe a video delusion due to the angle and the brown and white colors meeting right at it’s knees.

    Thanks for sharing…I always loved watching calves,ponies,piglets, and lambs on our farm in their earliest hours. Was fun to read about and see Gods new provision for you!


  2. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Beth,

    Thanks much! We are indeed grateful to the Lord.

    Well, she certainly did look a little knock-knee’d in the front yesterday. All of that video was taken from one 7 minute-ish video, so she was prancing a little there, as shown in the video, within a few minutes of falling down. I figure she was still trying to get her legs under her. This morning, from afar, she seemed to be prancing around her mother quite a bit, thanks to the Lord, even though the wind chills this morning were below 10 degrees F. Hopefully the knock-knee will go away as she hopefully strengthens. I’m sure we’ll be keeping an eye out.

    Thank you for the input.

    — David

  3. Anonymous

    Very beautiful calf. What a great blessing from the Lord. Great to see the video

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