Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions

In trying to separate from dependence upon the world, we are hoping and praying that the Lord will perpetuate our animals here, so that we may have ongoing provisions, according to His will. These will be updates on any the Lord has graciously granted.


The same hen that has gone broody every year so far did again this year. A hatching cycle is 21 days, and you can almost set a clock by it. She sat through one cycle of our eggs with no chicks hatching. Last year she sat through another cycle of eggs that didn’t hatch before we borrowed eggs from the Bunkers to put under her for her third cycle (which worked last year). This year we didn’t wait, and the Bunkers graciously allowed us to have some more of their eggs to put under her in the second cycle. And sure enough, the Lord graciously brought forth 2 chicks!

Here they are still pretty new:

How’s that for a blanket!

Here they are recently:

“Momma always says…”

“‘Life is like a bag of hen scratch. You never know what you’re gonna get.'”

Taxi, please!


Here’s the latest of Winnie and Minnie:

Don’t let Minnie’s mature act here fool you in this up close and personal moment – she still likes to jump all over Sue’s back:


The Lord graciously granted our female pig to give birth to 5 piglets mid June. In His wisdom though, one was still born, and 2 more died within a week or two. However, again by God’s graces, we still have two healthy piglets running around, both which we believe are females.

Here they are lined up for a photo op:

And here’s up close and personal with the pigs, although I think a little too up close and personal for the sows liking. In the second part of the video though, I got smart and recorded from the outside of the pen:

Actually, I think she thought it was watering time. 🙂

Once again, we are grateful to the Lord for His provisions!

— David


  1. Anonymous

    What a blessing David and Susan! It is wonderful to see how the Lord is taking care of you both. I really enjoy the videos. It shows that you both have really worked hard on your homestead.

  2. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Debbie,

    The Lord is most gracious and merciful.


    — David

  3. Anonymous

    Thanks for sharing how God has provided and protected your animal provisions through natural selection and sustenance! The videos are wonderful. Looked like Mama hen was saying…”Let me outta here!!!” Cute how the chicks alternated. Was surprised you are able to use lighter weight fenching with the “U” hooks on the poles like that for the Pigs!! Are the squares smaller at the bottom of that fencing to keep the piglets from crawling through? I use those “U” hooks on my garden fencing.

    Thanks again for the inspirational pictures/videos!


  4. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Beth,

    I would just define “natural selection” as God’s wisdom in His providence, as everything happens according to His sovereign will.

    Actually, I think momma chicken didn’t like me hovering over the mini chicken tractor with a camera. Plus, I have to close the door to the coup area of it to keep them from going in it so I can take pictures, and I don’t think she was too happy about that either. 🙂

    The fencing around the pig pen is goat fencing that does indeed have the squares that get shorter as you go lower. Plus, I dug a few-inch trench and buried the fencing below the surface of the ground to try to help keep them from pushing it out from underneath. The piglets have been able to go through the fencing at the bottom but don’t really stray far from the sow, so it hasn’t been a problem. Hopefully by the time they’re weened they will be too big to get through it.

    Some previous pig had broken the fencing a little in one place, but that’s pretty easily repairable by just tying in a fresh piece that is a 2 or 3 feet long. Also, in one area they’ve dug out to below the bottom of the fencing, but that was fixable by just refilling it with dirt (which I got from the dirt that had collected inside the farrowing shed).

    And yes, I used the T-post clips, which has worked fine when facing the outside of the fencing inward.


    — David

  5. Anonymous

    David and Susan,

    Amen to your first paragraph!! I almost re-wrote the way I worded my first paragraph due to it’s “new age” sounding term. But definitely agree it’s all Gods wisdom in His providence.

    Thanks for your response and sharing how the pigs have done. Thanks for the T post clips name correction. I knew they weren’t called “U” hooks, but just look like a “U”, and I was too lazy to go to my garage and see their correct name.

    Sounds like the goat fencing is working quite well as you have it buried and mounted!’

    Thanks again for all the pictures/videos!

    Have a blessed Sabbath rest and Lords Day!


  6. Deacon Pat

    Great site….I enjoyed reading your posts.. God’s peace to you.

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