Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

A Little Piece of Earth

After we made the decision to move to Texas in late 2004, David flew out a couple of times prior to moving to help search for land. We originally were looking for land near Lubbock. After putting in a bid on land there, the Lord closed that door and we believe began to lead Michael in his continued search for land to what’s called West Central Texas. It is in an area remote enough to be truly out in the country but close enough to towns to get supplies as we build our homesteads. Also, it is far away enough from big cities to be far from them, and close enough to them should the need arise to visit them. We placed another bid on a piece of land there; but that door closed as well. The Lord apparently had other plans, and we believe He graciously led Michael to another lot of land for sale, which was beautiful and prosperous looking. It had 3 large fields, large wooded areas that included many oak trees, several creek beds running through it, and 3 tanks (that’s Texas-talk for “ponds”). It seemed this was the place for us; so we placed the bid, and this time it was accepted! This was around April, 2005.

Here are a few more pictures of the land before we moved onto it, wild and untamed:

Thus began our adventure in the middle of Texas! We are thankful to the Lord for His provision of this land.

— David & Susan


  1. Anonymous

    David and Susan,

    I am really enjoying reading about your journey as sojourners along the narrow way.

    This verse came to my mind as I read your entries: “This people have I formed for myself: they shall shew forth my praise.”
    Isaiah 43:21

    May God continued to be glorified through the obedient lives of His children!

    A fellow pilgrim,
    Debbie B.

  2. David and Susan Sifford

    We pray so, and thanks Debbie.

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