The Sifford Sojournal

Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Page 56 of 92

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: New Calf “Domingo”

With the new Longhorn calves starting to be born now, the next one I saw was a little brown one walking up with our cow, Holga. After further examination, we discovered he was a bull calf as well; and so, please allow us to introduce you to our next pure Longhorn bull calf, Domingo, which means “belongs to the Lord” in Spanish.

Here he is, with his dam, Holga. You might recognize him from Donato’s video in the last blog post:

New pure Longhorn bull calf Domingo

And here’s his video:

Again, we are very grateful to the Lord for granting the safe delivery for both mama-cow and calf, and us this new little provision!

— David

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: New Calf “Donato”

After selling a lot of the herd after the drought in 2011 and because of them eating down the land, we stopped breeding our cattle. But we decided to start breeding them again last year, and apparently it has become that time! The first calf we saw was from our cow Ami maybe 10-11 days ago, a little bull calf; and so, let us introduce to you Donato, which in Spanish means “given by God”!

New Texas Longhorn Bull Calf donato

And here is a video of him:

We’re very grateful to the Lord for granting us the provisions to keep the herd going, including graciously granting some other land close by for us to graze them, and now for this new little extra gift from Providence!

— David

Spay it, Don’t Stray It

Dave and I have learned to look for the spiritual lessons and reminders in just about everything since we moved here. ♫ Big things, ♫ little things, ♫ things that climb ♫ on rocks (ok, enough of the hot dog commercial) but speaking of dogs……er, and cats…..

There has been this little black and white stray cat hanging around the community land for, wow, months now. It has eluded gunshots; it has been chased away by other domestic cats in the community; it has managed to *not* be coyote dinner (and those coyotes can get CLOSE!); it has been through at least two very strong winter cold fronts and seemed to be able to scrounge and hunt and somehow survive. Then one day our neighbor said she believed it was not a feral feline, which come around fairly regularly, but a domestic cat that had been dumped out in the country. Hmmmmm. That put a different light on this cat. It was a true survivor. As they say on Broadway, “Kid, ya got moxie.” So, with Dave’s permission, we started leaving goat milk and food out for it. Slowly, over the course of a few weeks, the cat started coming around during the day when we called it (our other cat, William, was distracted elsewhere) and would come over for food but would not let us pet it. We would leave the food and walk away and it would slowly come up to eat as long as it didn’t feel threatened. By necessity you’d think, it had become extremely skittish and on alert all of the time. Finally, one day I had a breakthrough. Before, I had tried to pet it while it was eating and it would back away every time. (Duh, Sue, how would you like it if someone tried to pet you while you were eating, well, except for Dave 🙂 ) One day I waited quietly until it was finished eating and I just sat there a few feet away. The cat walked about six feet away and started grooming itself, then several minutes later when it was good and ready, it slowly walked back over and cautiously let me pet it. Over the next few days, we continued to earn its trust and the floodgates finally opened. It loved to be petted!

Now that we knew we could capture it, I talked to the lady at the local humane society and she said there was no established method of “adopting” cats in the area and the local pet store had eight that were still waiting to be sold. Dave and I looked online to see if there was a recommended way to try to successfully integrate an existing cat (William) with a new cat. The process, depending on the situation, could take weeks to months. But, since it had become such a good hunter and our options were extremely limited, we thought we’d give it a try.

Well, fast forward a few weeks, we discovered “it” was female, and kept her in our summer kitchen building until we could get her spayed. Dave or I would go in there a few times per day to try to continue the bonding process. After she was spayed, we brought her into the RV with us while she recuperated. Well, she slept and slept and slept and slept and slept and….. I think even aside from the medical procedure, she was now able to really let down in a safe environment and truly rest during her recovery. She had been in ultra survival alert mode for so long, I think she was pretty weary by now. She staked claim at the head of our bed in between our pillows day and night.

Ritzie Laying Against Dave

Now enters William, stage left……. William had also been a stray cat that was very close to getting shot a few years ago but we had taken him in and he has turned out to be a great hunter and valuable member of our homestead. I had seen William get aggressive with this new cat and run her off a couple of times when she was still a stray. So we closed the door to our bedroom when William was inside and kept them totally separated at first. Then we put her in a cage and allowed them to be around each other without contact. Lots of hissing and howling going on at that point. But, slowly, we’ve allowed them supervised contact face to face and they have come to a, kind of, understanding to “purr and let purrr.” They are not friends by any means, and there is still some “tension” but they are able to co-exist pretty well now. We are very thankful for that.

Ummm, William doesn’t seem to be losing much sleep over it:

Our Cat Williams Lounging

I discovered that her markings are labeled “tuxedo” (like Sylvester the cat). Dave thought of the name “Ritzie”, like “puttin’ on the ritz” in a tuxedo. It also sounds like moxie, of which she has lots! So, meet our new rescue cat, Ritzie!

Our New Tuxedo Cat Ritzie

We hope to get her hunting in the barn as soon as she further acclimates herself to all of us and, hopefully, will become another valuable member of this little homestead for however long God allows us to have her.

We don’t know why God has brought her into our lives but we are thankful we could help keep her from a most likely icky fate otherwise, and grant a place where she can be used and valuable. She’s the sweetest little thing, and very affectionate. Oh! And she immediately took to the litter box. Yay!

I have tried to look at the possible spiritual shadow of this situation. Very loosely, I see a shadow of myself, lost in sin and desperately trying to survive in my own strength in a wicked world with spiritual predators all around. Then, as God takes me in and adopts me as His child, He opens my eyes to the “milk” of His word, and over time He teaches me to learn to look to, rest and trust in Him as my Provider, Protector and Refuge. And He transforms my life to be honoring to Him as I perform the good works (Eph. 2:10) I was ordained by Him to do. BUT! If I succumb to spiritual sleep as I feel too comfortable in my new, safe environment, unless I continue to be circumspect and alert for spiritual predators, my spiritual usefulness will be for naught.


David’s Digest: Charity and Its Fruits, Part 1

The latest sermon series our group has been going through is Jonathan Edwards’ sermon series on “Charity and Its Fruits.” I had originally thought it might be a good series to go through as a group, but as we got into it, to me it is a most critical topic to be covered by anyone who claims to follow Christ.

Initially, we started listening to an audio version of the series I had found online, but sadly the speaker spoke way too fast, and it was very difficult to keep up. And so, I thought, hey, even I can read it; so I set out to find it in print online. I did find a print version, and started reading it to the group over a couple of weeks, but eventually discovered that what I was reading was just a small 18-page encapsulation of the whole sermon series, which was actually a 16 chapter book! And so, we started the series over, this time reading from the full chapters.

After chapter one, someone suggested we record them; and I figured, why not, since it was being read anyway. And so, here are the first eight parts that we’ve gone through (I had to go back and record chapter one, and then re-record chapter two because the printout I was reading from had some typos that made it difficult to get through — now I’m reading from an actual book version):

Charity and Its Fruits, by Jonathan Edwards

Chapter 1: Charity, or Love, the Sum of all Virtue

Chapter 2: Charity More Excellent Than the Extraordinary Gifts of the Spirit

Chapter 3: The Greatest Performances of Sufferings in Vain Without Charity

Chapter 4: Charity Disposes Us Meekly to Bear the Injuries Received from Others

Chapter 5: Charity Disposes Us to Do Good

Chapter 6: Charity Inconsistent With an Envious Spirit

Chapter 7: The Spirit of Charity Is a Humble Spirit

Chapter 8: The Spirit of Charity the Opposite of a Selfish Spirit

I can’t tell you enough how beneficial this has been to me, of course a lot of that uncovering my lacking, and learning about Christian charity in a much deeper and prayerfully more meaningful way. It is my prayer that God indeed grant us this Christian charity, for His glory and the benefit of His Church, and that we be in continual prayer for it.

The rest of the series is now available at “Charity and Its Fruits, Part 2.”

— David

Introducing the Hoevator

Since most of the chickens that we raise end up spending some time growing up in the chicken pen area, which was put in an area shaded with oak trees, they end up liking to stay, considering that home base, and often perch in the trees when bedding down for the night. Well, out here there are just too many harmful critters that roam around at night, so we try to make sure to get the chickens into the chicken tractor. If I couldn’t stand on the chicken pen’s coupe, I was having to climb some of the trees to get them down. This got tiresome quite quickly.

One night, I thought I would try to just poke them out of the tree with something, and decided to try using the garden hoe. When I put the hoe head up to the chicken to push underneath it, I believe it just sort of hopped on; and I was able to just lower it down while it sat perched on the hoe head. Hmmm….let me try that again. And it worked again! And again, and kept working with very good success! Hey, pretty nifty! So, we thought we’d offer a demonstration of the Hoevator in action!

Once in a while, especially if I start the process too early in the evening, the chicken will fly off; but for the most part, it all works very consistently.

I know, it’s a simple thing, but it beats climbing the trees or trying to get the chickens to fly down. We’re thankful to the Lord for Him allowing us to discover this little chicken-retrieving technique!

— David

A House – Update XXIV – External Siding

The Lord has graciously supplied resources via help from others to be able to work on the external siding of our house. We’re very thankful to God and them to be able to begin to protect the most exposed under-siding areas, as the OSB only lasts so long in the elements.

First was the tar paper that Sue and I put up using a hammer stapler. We were told we should have put the windows in after the tar paper, but I guess it was a little late for that now. I suppose I should have applied some special tape to secure the tar paper to the window — perhaps I’ll plan to do that on the next ones:

House External Upper West Siding Tar Paper Installed
More External Upper West Siding Tar Paper Installed

I wanted siding that was durable, hopefully without having to paint it all of the time, but that could be used as lap siding because I like the look, and was not too expensive; and so I thought cedar fence slats just might accomplish the task. I also decided on using tan Deckmate screws, so if we needed to remove pieces easily we could, and because the tan color matches the boards nicely.

First was the window trim. For the bottom and top, I just ripped a slat (cut it length-wise) to fit the bottom, and then just used what was left on top, to try to save on slat usage. The trim is two boards thick — the under board corners are cut square to fit, and the top ones are miter-cut at angles for aesthetics, although with the funny (non-45 degree) angles, they didn’t end up joining together too nicely, but hopefully I’ll get better at that as I go. Because of the shape of the screws, I found I needed to drill pilot holes slightly using a 3/8 inch bit, so the screw head would sit nicely and not split the board; and I used 5 screws per full board, probably about 3/4 inch up from the bottom of the slat.

And because the window “flares” (the part that holds the window to the wall) stick out, and the top trim was so thin, I used shims to push the top of the trim piece a little more vertically level:

Upper Window Trim Top & Bottom with Shims

Here is the trim with the shims cropped:

Upper Window Trim Top & Bottom

And the window trim complete. All throughout the siding I tried to use copious amounts of clear silicone caulking:

Upper Windows Trim Complete

With the corner trim, I ripped the outer boards in a way so as to be able to cover the overlapping of the under boards:

Upper Corner Trim

And here are the windows and corners done:

Upper Window Trim & Corners Complete

Here is the corner to window siding. I initially thought I would run a string all of the way across to try to keep each course level, but with the distance of 40 feet, the string sagged; and so I figured once I got above the windows, I could even things out as I went, making sure the first course above the windows was generally the same height on one end of the house and the other. I was also able to follow the line on the tar paper on this first course, which helped set things fairly straight:

Corner to Window Siding

Because I worried that the slats might shrink some over time, I wanted to have a decent overlap, and ended up going with 5 inches of each course visible (the slats are around 5 1/2 inches wide). Each board-join I bevel-cut at 45 degree angles to overlap each join, hopefully helping to keep more moisture out, and I caulked each join as well. Given some of the slats would have arcs in their width, I’d have to try to press them flat when running the sliding chop saw through them:

Several Rows of Siding

Here is the roofline trim. At one point in this area, I started caulking and realized I was using white caulking instead of clear. Arg. I tried to wipe it off with wet cloths as much as possible, but some is still there, although at least I did it in a place that’s somewhat generally hidden:

Roofline Trim
More Roofline Trim

Here I am getting close to the top:

Installing Siding Near the Roof
More Installing Siding Near the Roof

And here is the first side complete! We plan to paint it with clear wood protector, once the colors settle, since it appears some of the red tinting in the boards seems to fade away over time; and we might paint the trim a different color, just so it stands out a little. It’s an amateur job, but I’m an amateur. 🙂

House External West Siding Complete

Because of time restrictions, it took several months to do this, but we are very thankful again to the Lord for granting this progress on the house!

— David

The Chill of Victory, and The Agony of De-Sleet

As Ronald Reagan would say…”Well” (you can click that to get the full effect 🙂 ), we’ve lived in Texas going on nine years now and one thing I can truly say is that I STILL don’t know what “seasonal” or “normal” weather is for our region. Everything in Texas seems like a wild stallion still waiting for that whisperer to tame it. We’re still waiting for somebody to answer that whisperer help-wanted ad – I guess we’d better “bump” it. Ten days ago my friend, Debbie, and I, by God’s mercy, made it home safely just as the “event” was starting. That evening and overnight about two-plus inches of sleet fell and by morning it had melded into one large sheet of sleet (say that ten times fast). It wasn’t snow and it wasn’t pure ice, but lighter, yet still pretty slippery. Dave did succumb to gravity a few of times over the course of the next several days but was not injured, thanks to God. I took some pictures of the homestead to share with you all. We weren’t able to drive off the land for almost a week due to the dangerous road conditions. And the mud from the sleet is still around in some places ten days later!

You can’t see it but our very smart cows discovered that camping out underneath the porch roof was the best place to be. I sure don’t blame them! They must be book-smart because they like to hang out by the library windows. 🙂 Dave then had a smart idea of his own and put boards on a couple of the exterior library windows where the cow horns could accidentally break them!

Sleet - View of House

We have some winter wheat planted in our field up there. And some turnips planted in the fenced garden area in the forefront. You’ll just have to take my word for it: 🙂

Sleet - View of Crop Field

We are thankful for the good soaking this moisture represents for our orchard, crops and gardens:

Sleet - View of Orchard

Our goats took refuge in their sheds a good portion of the time. It never made it above freezing for a few days and nights. We brought up a fresh layer of hay for the sheds most nights to cover the “gifts” the goats had left during the day:

Sleet - View of Goat Sheds

Sadly, goats can be very selfish and territorial with those sheds so the low goat on the totem pole can get left out in the wet cold. Our little orphan, Annie, was shivering quite a bit, and since we lost a goat a few years ago to the cold, we have learned to be very vigilant if we see a possible repeat. So, I went to our barn storage and pulled out an old fleece pullover, cut off the arms and put it on her. She seemed much warmer after that. I’ve read that goats grow a nice, warm undercoat for the winter but Annie still seemed like she couldn’t stay warm enough. Nubian goats may not have that undercoat because Shatner, one of our two bucks, which is also the leanest of all our goats, was shivering way too much, as well. I found another big sweater and put it on him. It seemed to help him keep in the heat much better. Once the immune system is over-challenged, this may mean trouble with potential sickness and disease (and possible vet bills!) So if we are able to help stabilize them, we’ll do what it takes.

Our Goat Annie's Winter Coat

While I’m milking in the evenings, Dave is putting up all of our chickens for the night. We always seem to have a few “rebels” that like to stay out in the trees. We were hoping any that had stayed the night out had made it through the sub-freezing temps. The next morning, Dave found this rebel hide-out in the shelter of our mulch-carrier.

A Chicken Winter Weather Hideout

It wasn’t hard to spot the “rebel” chicken. It was the only one with frozen rain stuck to its feathers 🙂

Winter Weather Chicken Escapee

Our dogs, Brodey and Nessa, have a nice coat of fur, however Nessa still struggles in the cold and shivers quite a bit. I went online looking for dog coats or patterns and could only find cutesy stuff that would take too long to make or expensive dog coats for sale. Again, to quote Ronald Reagan “Well“, my dogs are cold right now! So, I took the handy scissors out again, found a couple of old sweaters out of storage, cut off the arms and put them on. Voila! Instant warmth. I don’t much care how they look, I’m all about if they get the job done. I pinned up the part that hung down below the belly (and had to make arrangements for Brodey not to pee on it) but they worked great!! Thank the Lord for the provision to help our animals fare better in this bitter cold, wet weather.

Here is Nessa’s “ensemble”. As the days and nights got colder, she was still shivering, so I ended up putting a total of three sweaters on her:

Our Dog Nessa's Winter Coat

Brodey ended up doing well with two sweaters:

Our Dog Brodey's Winter Coat

The little geese “pond” froze over, which made our geese very sad 🙁 The rubber ducky is in there somewhere…

Geese Pond Frozen Over

However, even Augie and Gigi didn’t seem to want to get out into the stiff north winds, so they hung out under the RV:

Our Geese Augie/Gigi

I had to laugh when I saw this set of geese footprints (sorry, you have to look closely) come out from under the RV and go about ten feet before turning around. It seems this cold snap was enough to make even the geese change their minds and turn around to head back for cover 🙂

Geese Footprints in the Sleet

We are very grateful for God’s merciful hand upon us all throughout this sleet adventure. This is the second heavy-duty cold front we’ve had so far this Fall and it’s not even winter yet! (whispering) “Hey, wild stallion, come over here, I’ve got some nice apples for you……”


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