The Sifford Sojournal

Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

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Community Singing – May 2019

For singing time during our Lord’s Day Church fellowship gatherings, for part of that time we sing from the psalter from Crown & Covenant. Well, to help us learn them better, and for anyone else who might be interested in learning them, every so often we record them, and this past Lord’s Day we did so again, Psalms 72A to 76B.

Here are the latest:

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Psalms 72A-76B

We pray the Lord teach us His ways through the Psalms and the rest of His Word, and may He write it on our hearts that we might not sin against Him!

— David

Previous Psalms singings:

Psalms 1A-12B (minus 4B)

Psalms 4B & 13-18L

Psalms 19A-22E

Psalms 22F-24C

Psalms 25A-27F

Psalms 28A-31G

Psalms 32A-34D

Psalms 35A-37F

Psalms 38B-40F

Psalms 41A-44F

Psalms 45A-49C

Psalms 50A-53

Psalms 54A-59B

Psalms 60A-65B

Psalms 66A-68E

Psalms 69A-71D

David’s Digest: As a Child

Matt 18:3-4 – “3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. 4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Christ said one does not enter into heaven unless they become as a child. Very serious! But what does that mean?

Puritan Thomas Manton gives what I believe is an insightful examination of this, based on Psalm 131, the full text of which you can read here:

Psalm 131

1 Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me.

2 Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child.

3 Let Israel hope in the Lord from henceforth and for ever.

From Thomas Manton:

Now let us open the similitude, and show wherein it holdeth good. David behaved himself, and quieted himself – (1.) As a child ; (2.) As a weaned child.

1. As a child. A child is not troubled with ambitious thoughts: Mat. xviii. 3, ‘Except ye be converted, and become as little children,’ etc. A little child knoweth not what striving for state [status] meaneth. The inclinations and desires of carnal ambition are very contrary to the christian temper, namely, seeking after dominions, dignities, and honours.

So Christ would confute his disciples’ pride; as if he had said, You strive for worldly greatness and preeminence in my kingdom; but my kingdom is a kingdom of babes, and containeth none but the humble, and such as are little in their own eyes, and are contented to be small and despised in the eyes of others, and to look not after great matters in the world. Thus would Christ take them off from the vain ambition and pursuit of esteem and worldly honour, and the expectations of a carnal kingdom.

And is it not necessary still that we should become as little children? A great part of the work of grace is to take down our pride, and make us little in our own eyes. We should all prove ourselves to be children of God by the lowliness of our hearts and sobriety of our carriage, and submission to all God’s dispensations, and desire no higher condition than God would bring us into by the fair invitation of his providence. We must put ourselves into the posture of a feeble impotent child, without ambition, without covetousness, looking wholly to be directed, supported, and enabled by God.

2. Why as a weaned child.

[1.] A weaned child is taken off from the breast and its natural food; so when the Lord is pleased to withhold from us what we expected, and to keep us in a low and afflicted condition, we must patiently submit to God’s will and pleasure, and be contented to be what God will have us to be. Oh, how well were it for us if we were weaned from the world’s breasts! Certainly then temptations would be plucked up by the roots. How easily should we please God, and press on to everlasting glory, worldly and fleshly lusts [desires] mortified! By some bitterness or other the weaned child is driven from the breast, and it useth it no more.

Oh, that a christian were as soon weaned from the world, and might grow dead to the honours, riches, and pleasures of it! and could say with the apostle, ‘I am crucified to the world, and the world is crucified to me,’ Gal. vi. 14.

Few are taken off from the dug [udder, teat] by the bitterest wormwood that can be laid upon it; they are still sucking here, though they suck but wind; and, after many disappointments, still return to the love of the world, as their natural milk. It is a prodigy for a child to keep sucking till thirteen or fourteen years; we are as greedy at fifty or sixty years as we were before. The world by nature is sweet to us; the bitterness of affliction doth not wean us from it; and after all the warnings that we cannot love the Father if we love the world, 1 John ii. 15, yet we love the world still. In death it is made bitter to us, for then the world passeth away, and the lusts [desires] thereof; then we cry out on the world, how it hath deceived us, and tempted this rebelling flesh to neglect God and higher duties. But then it is questionable whether we are weaned or driven from the dug [udder, teat]. Surely it becometh us to be weaned sooner.

[2.] The weaned child can do nothing for itself, but is provided for by the care of another; so should we look upon ourselves as a most feeble and impotent child, able to do nothing of ourselves; but after we have weaned ourselves from our natural affections and desires, wholly be sensible of our necessities, emptiness, and weakness to shift [move, even slightly] for ourselves, leaving all to God: Ps. xl. 17, ‘I am poor and needy, but the Lord thinketh upon me.’ We may be despised of the world and contemned of the world, but that doth not make us loathsome to God. Yea, the lower we are brought, the more is his care engaged for us. The empty, the destitute, who have not the dug [udder, teat] to live upon, are devolved upon the Lord, that he may take care of them.

[3.] Though the weaned child have not what it would have, or what it naturally most desireth, the milk of the breast, yet it is contented with what the mother giveth; it rests upon her love and provision. So are we to be content with what providence alloweth us: Heb. xiii. 5, ‘Let your conversation [behavior/life] be without covetousness, and be content with such things as ye have;’ and Phil. iv. 11, ‘I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.’ Whatever pleaseth our heavenly Father should please us.

The child that is put from the breast to an harder diet is yet contented at last. The children of princes know not what the swelling of pride, the honour of the world meaneth. The child doth not prescribe what it will eat, drink, or put on. They are in no care for enlarging possessions, heaping up riches, aspiring after dignities and honours, but meekly take what is provided for them.

[4.] The child, when he has lost the food which nature provideth for it, is not solicitous, but wholly referreth itself to the mother, hangeth upon the mother. So for everything whatsoever should we depend upon God, refer ourselves to God, and expect all things from him: Ps. lxii. 5, ‘My soul, wait thou upon God; my expectation is from him.’ With such a simplicity of submission should we rest and depend upon God.

Let us take heed of being overwise and provident for ourselves, but trust our Father which is in heaven, and refer ourselves to his wise and holy government.

Thus you see here is a perfect emblem –

(1.) Of self-denial; for the child is weaned, taken off from what it most affects [fancies]. So we must not look to be satisfied in our childish will and appetite; we must be weaned, and put from the breast to an harder diet.

(2.) Of humility, or a sense of our impotency and nothingness; for the child cannot shift for itself, so neither can we. We are weak and witless all of us, as are little children, and know not what is good for us, nor how to provide it, but are merely cast upon the care of another.

(3.) Contentedness and resignation to the will of God, who is our provider. The more impotent, the more entitled to God’s care.

(4.) Of dependence and quiet recumbency [leaning/resting] on God in any state or condition whatsoever; for we must cast the whole care of affairs upon him.

Oh, happy we if we could thus be children!

May God grant us this child-like humility; may He wean us from and change our desires for the dainties of Vanity Fair — the useless and time-wasting (Eph 5:16) carnal and sense-driven pleasures and riches of the world; and may He grant us resignation, contentedness, thankfulness and trust in Him for how He providentially brings our lives forth during our time here.

Ps 73:25-26 – “25 Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. 26 My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face;
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace.

If you’re interesting in going deeper on this, we invite you to go through some series we’ve recorded on YouTube during our holy reading times on Lord’s days:

— David

New Upper Field Fence – Update I

After completing the north section of a new, long fence line we’re putting in, to allow our goats to be able to have access to an 11-acre field, it was on to the southern part.

The south-most end ended up being really interesting. I dug the end post hole without too much issue, but when I got to the second post, I hit rock. I thought, ok, no problem, I’ll just dig it out. Well, I stopped trying to dig it out when I got about 3 feet by 2 1/2 feet (maybe more) exposed and still wasn’t done. I then tried a different post location, but hit another big rock. Ugh…

Big Rocks Where Post Hole Digging

However, when the Lord formed the earth in this area whenever He did, He graciously granted a gap between those two rocks, just about post-diameter size. Ha, what a gift! And so I started digging it out hoping it would work:

Gap Between Rocks

Breaking rock is fun! 😉

Rock Breaking

Well, it did end up working, and I was able to get all the posts set in concrete. I am thankful to God for Him granting that! Again what a gracious gift!

Big Rocks Where Post Hole Digging

And then I put in the posts of the northern end of this southern section:

End of Line Fence Posts

And hung the gate. Whew…just made it! I don’t know how it ended up so close after measuring before digging the post holes, but post hole digging sometimes can drift:

Gate Next to Fence Post

Here are the t-posts and inner wood posts done:

Set Tposts & Wood Posts
More Set Tposts & Wood Posts

And then the twisted wire for more bracing:

Twisted Wire End Post Bracing
Another Twisted Wire End Post Bracing

And all of the barbed wire pulled:

Pulled Barbed Wire
More Pulled Barbed Wire
Again More Pulled Barbed Wire
Still More Pulled Barbed Wire

And lastly, the dividing gateway. Fence line done, thanks to God!

Middle Dividing Gateway

One final step was needed for the field in general, and that was to shore up the north-south end of the western fence line, and so here it is completed:

Western Fence Line New End Post System & Pulled Barbed Wire

New Entrance Culvert Pipe

In order to get ready for using the new road entrance we showed in the last blog post, the county will come and prepare the dirt, but we needed to provide the culvert pipe.

Here is what it looked like getting it home. I’m sure that was an interesting sight when I was driving on the highway! 🙂

Culvert Pipe on Truck

Those things are quite heavy, so I solicited the help of the guys, and they graciously accepted. We were thankful no one got hurt!

Unloading Culvert Pipe from Truck
More Unloading Culvert Pipe from Truck
Still More Unloading Culvert Pipe from Truck

Once they were off the truck, when the road crew came, they dragged them up to the front with a backhoe and chain:

Backhoe Holding Culvert Pipe
Dragging Culvert Pipe with Backhoe

And then they did their thing:

Scraping Culvert for Culvert Pipe
Culvert Pipe in Culvert
Joining Culvert Pipe
Burying Culvert Pipe
More Burying Culvert Pipe
Belly Dumper Dropping Road Base
Scraping Road Base into Place
More Scraping Road Base into Place

And here’s the new driveway into our entrance!

New Entrance Driveway Complete

We are thankful to the Lord for the provisions to continue to work the land in the hopes of getting further sustaining, for the strength to even do the work, and for no injuries; and we always pray He will guide us in these things so they may be used for His glory and blessings of others!

— David

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: 2019’s First Chicks

We recently had one of our young hens from last year go broody early this year. Usually if they go broody late in the year or during winter, we just pull the eggs so we don’t have to deal with trying to keep a place warm for new chicks during very cold weather.

But I decided to let her go this year, and she hatched out 7 new chicks! And they are all still alive today and doing well, thanks to the Lord!

We did run the heater in the summer kitchen a couple of nights where they were when it got down to 20 degrees F outside, and it all worked out just fine.

On an aside, this mama had a pal hen that was part of the clutch she came from, and these two hung around together. Her friend was white colored, and I called her Nilli (for Vanilla). And so with this one being grey, and them being friends, I call her Granoli (for grey-Nilli 😀 ). Sadly though, Nilli was killed by a predator late last year, but God is granting her friend make up for her loss with the new chicks. 🙂

And here they are:

New Chicks of 2019

More of New Chicks of 2019

Still More of New Chicks of 2019

And here’s their video:

We are very grateful to God for His graciousness in granting these new chicks! We pray they, and our entire homestead and community, are used by Him for His glory and the benefit of others!

— David

Pathways of Protection (aka To Catch a Chicken Thief)

Over the last couple of years, we’ve really had a problem losing chickens to what I believe is a fox. We put all of our smaller animals away at night in enclosures (coups, the barn, etc.) to help against night critters, but this one has been difficult, because it comes during the day in stealth. And so, we had often found a feather pile, and then a missing chicken at night.

Well, one day, after losing one, I was able to discover a feather trail, which led me to an area where the little thief was taking them to eat. And then, I was able to discover from where it was taking them now — a large area of shrub brush to the west of our house, very thick for a human, but nice cover for something trying to be sneaky.

One day, the resident rooster that goes out that direction with some hens alerted, as he had often in the past, and so I went running out there with the shotgun, following the feather path out to the chicken graveyard. I didn’t find the bad guy, but I did notice a hen walking back from that direction along a fence line. So it appeared I had been able to get out there quickly enough for the fox or whatever to drop her and run off. Wow, nice! And how merciful of God to allow that!

The little hen struggled for a week and a half or so, with me having to feed her, but she’s been back with the flock now for some time, although she’s still not quite right, and I’ve had to separate her because I think roosters servicing her were getting to be too much for her legs, and she was starting to struggle to walk or even remain upright.

But, by God’s graces, she escaped the Jaws Of Death, and so I call her JODY. 🙂

For some time I had wanted to carve my way in the shrubbery from where these chickens have been taken, to be able to get in there and perhaps track down the chicken stealer; and now with these consistent attacks, I decided I needed to do it right away.

Here is a video about the whole adventure regarding cutting these shrub-caves with the loppers, about Jody, about my little work-mate Tuscan hanging out with me, and then I take you along for a walk-through of the whole system. Since the Jody attack, and since these have been in place, the Lord has graciously granted no more losses. Whether these throughways have helped or not, I don’t know, but we thank Him for His mercies with the chickens, and for the idea and even physical strength to make the pathways!

Again, we are grateful to God for His mercies, in the chickens, in all our lives temporily, and in His infinite spiritual mercies; we pray for protection from all our enemies, especially our spiritual ones; and may He teach us His way, and lead us in His plain path, of truth, holiness and righteousness!

Psalm 27:11 – “Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.

— David

February 2019 Community Work Day: Just a Pit-tance

Every month we have community work day on first Wednesday of the month, and this past first Wednesday, we did part day at our place to dig out a fire pit. I thought we might leisurely dig and at least get started on it, but the “crew” busted through it, and we did the whole thing!

But not without the trial often faced when digging holes in the ground in rolling hill country…

It wasn’t too far down, and we hit that rock that’s under this area where we put the house. Not bedrock, or flat rock, or what have you…I’m talking Flintstone-quarry boulders. 😀

Hmm, how to best go about it:

Digging Fire Pit

This one, once uncovered enough, we realized was HUGE. We were able to dig around the edges, and then it was time to bring in Big Red:

Tractor to Pull Out Big Rock

The first pull got the rock to stand up:

Big Rock Stood Up in Fire Pit

And then we had to wrap the chain enough to get it out of the pit:

Wrapping Chain Under Rock

Pulling Big Rock Out of Fire Pit

Big Rock Pulled Out of Fire Pit

Then we were able to cross-wrap the chain under it more, which allowed the rock to be dragged away. This is probably the biggest rock we personally have pulled out of the ground here:

Cross-Wrapping Chain Around Big Rock

Pulling Big Rock Away

Big Rock Pulled Away

And here we are trying to recover the chain. Fun fun! 🙂

Lifting Big Rock to Recover Drag Chain

Then it was on to the others. Thankfully, this rock was the biggest, and so, we were able to continue digging around the rocks and use a breaker bar to lift and loosen them, and then roll them out of the pit. This one I was able to get by myself, but with others I definitely needed help:

Rolling Rock Out of Fire Pit

In the end, we finished the whole thing!

And here are “Williams the Conquerors” claiming victory! 😀 Thanks to the gents for all the help!

Williams the Conquerors

And the final fire-pit product:

Completed Fire Pit

We thank the Lord for granting safety during this time, and we are grateful to Him for granting us this time of fellowship and serving each other, and may He grow us in service to Him and others, as the great Servant showed us when He was here!

Finally, the rocks remind me of something important, from Matthew 23:

3 And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow;

5 Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth:

6 And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away.

8 But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.

18 Hear ye therefore the parable of the sower.

20 But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it;

21 Yet hath he not root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation or persecution ariseth because of the word, by and by he is offended.

23 But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.

And then Ez 36:22-32:

22 Therefore say unto the house of Israel, thus saith the Lord God; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name’s sake, which ye have profaned among the heathen, whither ye went.

23 And I will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord, saith the Lord God, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes.

24 For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land.

25 Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.

26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.

27 And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.

28 And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God.

29 I will also save you from all your uncleannesses: and I will call for the corn, and will increase it, and lay no famine upon you.

30 And I will multiply the fruit of the tree, and the increase of the field, that ye shall receive no more reproach of famine among the heathen.

31 Then shall ye remember your own evil ways, and your doings that were not good, and shall lothe yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities and for your abominations.

32 Not for your sakes do I this, saith the Lord God, be it known unto you: be ashamed and confounded for your own ways, O house of Israel.

May God grant us a living and not dead, stony heart, cause us to walk in His statutes, and may He make the ground of our hearts rock-free as part of Him helping us persevere under trials and afflictions and bring forth spiritual fruit from us, all so as to sanctify His great name!

— David

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