Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Category: providence (Page 15 of 24)

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: Second Batch of 2014 Chicks

As I mentioned in our blog post about the first chicks that the Lord granted us in 2014 1, we had another hen go broody, an Australorp, which we showed in our mini chicken tractor, and by God graciousness, He granted that she hatch out a bunch o’ chicks! Out of 13 eggs, 11 hatched out, and all 11 are still rolling along just great, it appears!

Here are a few pictures:

Second Hatching of Chicks in 2014
More of the Second Hatching of Chicks in 2014

And their video:

As always, we are so very grateful to the Lord for His granting of these provisions. We’ve had to butcher some more roosters recently to get the rooster-hen ratio better, and it is humbling and joyful to be eating the food the Lord has directly provided! We are very thankful.

— David

1 P.S. You’ll have to forgive me, as in the previous post I said one of our Australorps was the mother of those first hatchlings, and that wasn’t correct — I’ve corrected it since.

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: First Chicks of 2014

A couple to a few months ago, one of our hens went broody, we put some eggs under her, and the Lord graciously granted our first chicks of 2014! I’ve been lagging in getting this blog post done and out, as you can see, since they are about half way to being full grown. But, we wanted to acknowledge and thank God in His provisions of granting additions to the flock!

The broody hen hatched out three, and the three have made it very well, and here they are, with their mama. It looks like they are all hens too, and all Australorps as well, which is a nice bonus gift, since the Australorps are also great brooders:

First Chicks of 2014
More of the First Chicks of 2014

And here is a little video of them:

Also, we’ve had another couple of hens go broody just a few days ago. Here’s one in the mini chicken tractor:

Next Broody Hen

And the other in the piano room, although she started in a garbage can in the barn 🙂 :

And Another Broody Hen

As always, we are so very thankful to the Lord for granting any chicks and continuance of food provisions; and we are grateful for Him showing His graces and mercies in these ways.

— David

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: New Calf “Manolito”

I believe it was the same day Adelina and new heifer calf Graciana walked up to us during feeding time that our cow, Rosa, showed up with her new little bull calf! When they walked up, it was still quite wet; and so we figured it couldn’t have been more than a few hours old.

A cold front was just coming in too at the time. After dropping some range cubes, I was walking around trying to get a good look at Rosa’s calf, and it started to wander off, slowly, toward the pond. I thought, please don’t keep going or you’re going to…..and yes, fall in. I ran up, in case it was in trouble, but it bounced out with no problem, although now its whole front end was really soaked. And with a cold front coming in.

But the Lord graciously brought the little guy through, and here he is! We decided to call him Manolito, because he’s got so much of the grullo color his sire, Manolete, has. Manolito also means “God is with us” in Spanish:

New Longhorn Bull Calf Manolito

And here’s his video with Rosa (which was taken about the same time as the video of Graciana as well, I believe):

We are again grateful to God for the provision of this new bull calf, Him bringing him through the cold front, the Longhorns’ continued health, and the fields the Lord has granted us to be able to graze them on.

— David

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: New Calf “Graciana”

The third calf we discovered in this year’s round of breeding was one from a heifer we’ve had for several years but hadn’t given birth before. But now, that heifer is a cow, as she did indeed give birth to her own little heifer, which we’re going to call Graciana, which means “pleasing, agreeable” in Spanish.

And here she is with her mama, Adelina!

New Longhorn heifer calf Graciana

And a little video of the two of them:

Again, we are very grateful to the Lord for granting this new little provision, and for granting an especially safe first delivery, a delivery at all, and good motherly instincts to Adelina.

— David

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: New Calf “Domingo”

With the new Longhorn calves starting to be born now, the next one I saw was a little brown one walking up with our cow, Holga. After further examination, we discovered he was a bull calf as well; and so, please allow us to introduce you to our next pure Longhorn bull calf, Domingo, which means “belongs to the Lord” in Spanish.

Here he is, with his dam, Holga. You might recognize him from Donato’s video in the last blog post:

New pure Longhorn bull calf Domingo

And here’s his video:

Again, we are very grateful to the Lord for granting the safe delivery for both mama-cow and calf, and us this new little provision!

— David

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: New Calf “Donato”

After selling a lot of the herd after the drought in 2011 and because of them eating down the land, we stopped breeding our cattle. But we decided to start breeding them again last year, and apparently it has become that time! The first calf we saw was from our cow Ami maybe 10-11 days ago, a little bull calf; and so, let us introduce to you Donato, which in Spanish means “given by God”!

New Texas Longhorn Bull Calf donato

And here is a video of him:

We’re very grateful to the Lord for granting us the provisions to keep the herd going, including graciously granting some other land close by for us to graze them, and now for this new little extra gift from Providence!

— David

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: Fourth Batch of Chicks 2013

As we noted in the third hatching of chick the Lord granted us for this year, the mother hen that hatched out our second batch of chicks was broody; and by God’s graces and mercies, here is the result! She hatched out three more chicks, but sadly a week or two ago, while spraying fire ants, I broke my own rule that I had made after the last time I lifted the mini-tractor when I crushed a chick, and ended up with the same result — just stupid, and I knew better. And so now there are only two.

But we are thankful to the Lord for granting these He has granted! I have a feeling they’re both roosters because their combs are already showing a little larger, but we’ll see, Lord willing…

Fourth Batch of Chicks 2013
Another Pic of the Fourth Batch of Chicks 2013

And here is their video:

As always, we are so very grateful to the Lord for graciously perpetuating the flock, and may they bring glory to Him and benefit His Church in some way.

— David

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