The Lord has graciously started to grant turkey chick hatchings for this 2024!
We only have one turkey run, which is in our brooder barn/summer kitchen, so like last year, the plan is to grab the first mommy and her turklets and put them in there. And then if any other turkey hens hatch any, grab them and put them in the brooder barn with mommy #1.
And so far, we’ve had about 4-ish hatch-outs! We feel badly taking the new turkey chicks from the new mommies, but it’s kind of the only way I see we can handle the situation at this time.
They have nested in the barn, and in areas outside the barn, in our inner area, and even in the orchard. We have lost quite a few…I wonder if they get stepped on at times. But God has kept around quite a few as well, and here’s their video:
As always, we thank Him for His graciousness in granting these provisions!
— David