Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Category: cattle (Page 2 of 6)

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: New Calf “Natilla”

Around the time of our last calf, Mateo, was born, we found another calf in tow, this time with our cow Holga. The calf is our first heifer of the year, and because of her creamy color, we’re calling her Natilla, which is “custard” in Spanish. Where she got that color I have no idea. 馃檪

And here she is:

New Pure Longhorn Calf Natilla

And her video:

We are very thankful to the Lord for the continued safe and healthy delivery and calves, and for His continued provisions for them!

— David

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: New Calf “Mateo”

Once again, the Lord granted us another calf this year, another little bull calf from our cow Amistosa! We’ve given him the name Mateo, which means “gift of God.”

Here are a couple pictures of him — he has the grey coloring from his daddy:

New Pure Longhorn Calf Mateo

Another View of New Pure Longhorn Calf Mateo

And here’s a video of him, and him with the other two calves we’ve done blog posts about before:

We are always grateful for these gracious gifts of God. We pray they’re used for His glory, and the benefit of His Church!

— David

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: New Calf “Amadis”

Back around the second week of February, the Lord granted us our next calf for this year! A little bull calf from our cow Adelina! We decided to call him Amadis, which means “to love God.”

Here’s a picture of him — he’s the tan one to the right of the red calf in the middle, and his dam Adelina is to the left:

New Pure Longhorn Calf Amadis

And here’s his video:

We thank the Lord as always for His graces and mercies in granting this healthy new little provision, for the safety He granted in the delivery, and for the continued safety and provision He has granted the entire herd!

— David

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: New Calf “Vinicio”

Apparently calf dropping time is upon us! Several weeks ago, Rosa strolled up to be fed with a new little calf by her side — a little bull calf, that we’re going to call Vinicio, which means “vine,” because he’s red, and wine is red and comes from the fruit of a vine. 馃檪

Anyway, here is a picture of him, his daddy is on the left:

First 2015 Pure Longhorn Bull Calf Vinicio

And one with Rosa and I believe Manolito, Rosa’s calf from last year (so Vinicio’s big brother):

New Longhorn Calf Vinicio with His Mother and Brother

And here’s a little video of him. I say he’s a couple of months old in the video, but it’s closer to one month:

We are grateful to the Lord for granting this first safe and healthy calf of the new year! And we are always thankful for His continued provisions, both spiritually and temporily.

— David

Longhorn Cattle Update – Fall 2014

We thought we’d give you all an update on the cattle, with the calves born from earlier in the year. I’ve included their individual blog posts below so when you see them in the video, you can see how much they’ve grown:


We also recently took in one of our bulls to the butcher — our bull Rufino, and here he is back in July, and then in October the day before his final trip:

Pure Longhorn Bull Rufino July 2014
Pure Longhorn Bull Rufino in Trailer

And here is the video, of the cattle now and Rufino on the last day:

As always, we are grateful to the Lord for His provisions with and for the cattle!

— David

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: New Calf “Salom贸n”

Back in late June, early July, the Lord graciously granted our final cow, Casi Blanca, to give birth to a calf for this year! It ended up being a little bull calf, and we decided to name him Salom贸n, which means “peaceable.”

Here are a few pictures of him, and with Casi:

New 2014 Pure Longhorn Bull Calf Salom贸n
New Calf Salom贸n with His Dam Casi Blanca
Salom贸n Again with Casi

And a little video:

As always, we are so very grateful to the Lord for granting these continued provisions, and the resources He’s graciously granted to be able to feed the cattle!

— David

Providence’s Perpetuation Provisions: New Calf “Manolito”

I believe it was the same day Adelina and new heifer calf Graciana walked up to us during feeding time that our cow, Rosa, showed up with her new little bull calf! When they walked up, it was still quite wet; and so we figured it couldn’t have been more than a few hours old.

A cold front was just coming in too at the time. After dropping some range cubes, I was walking around trying to get a good look at Rosa’s calf, and it started to wander off, slowly, toward the pond. I thought, please don’t keep going or you’re going to…..and yes, fall in. I ran up, in case it was in trouble, but it bounced out with no problem, although now its whole front end was really soaked. And with a cold front coming in.

But the Lord graciously brought the little guy through, and here he is! We decided to call him Manolito, because he’s got so much of the grullo color his sire, Manolete, has. Manolito also means “God is with us” in Spanish:

New Longhorn Bull Calf Manolito

And here’s his video with Rosa (which was taken about the same time as the video of Graciana as well, I believe):

We are again grateful to God for the provision of this new bull calf, Him bringing him through the cold front, the Longhorns’ continued health, and the fields the Lord has granted us to be able to graze them on.

— David

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