Just a catch-up video on the turkey chick goings-on since our May turkey post.

I believe in the video below we cover pulling 3 groups of young turkeys out of the summer kitchen and putting them in the barn at night to begin their life with the turkey flock.

Funny too, but apparently a couple of chicken eggs ended up with the turkey eggs because we ended up with a couple of chickens in with the turkeys. 🙂

Here’s another picture of them in the summer kitchen before moving them out:

Something we learned: One turkey hen ended up sitting outside and hatching out quite a few turkey chicks. We thought we’d experiment and let her raise them out there and not move them into the summer kitchen, but sadly all of them ended up disappearing or dying, so we have decided to not do that again and just grab any turklets (my name for turkey chicks, kind of like “chicklets” 😀 ) and put them in the summer kitchen.

And on another very sad note: Our “matriarch” of the flock, Trina, died since the last update. Originally, she just showed up on the homestead one day and moved into the barn, we bought her a mate, and the rest is history. Here’s the blog post we did about her arrival from back in 2016.

This should be she, and should be her first chicks…

Goodbye, Trina…we thank the Lord for bringing you here in His kind providence, and for the huge flock He granted from you…

But back to current day, as far as I know, all the turkeys that we have moved out into the barn this year are still alive and doing well, and we are grateful!

And without further ado, here’s the update video. Be on the watch for the turklet cam! 😀 :

Again, we are thankful to the Lord for granting these provisions!

— David