Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

A House – Update XLV – Bedroom Closet Clothes Hanging Rods & Pantry Shelves

The Lord has granted some more progress on the house, more internal furnishings to be able to continue the “move in” process!

Here are some clothes hanging rods for the bedroom closet. I used adjustable-length metal rods, and double stacked them for my clothes:

Bedroom Closet Clothes Hanging Rods

Clothes Hanging Double Stacked in the Bedroom Closet

And then extended the top rod to allow for Sue’s dresses:

Dresses Hanging in the Bedroom Closet

Also, we put up our first shelves in the pantry!

First Shelves in the Pantry

Once again, we are thankful to God for allowing these things. We always pray the house will be a place where His glory is brought forth, in our lives and through those in the community.

— David


  1. Anonymous

    Your home is beautiful and it is so fun to watch it come together in the Lord's perfect timingā¤ thank you so much for taking the time to share! Its been awhile since we have been able to visit the blog so its fun to catch up!

    The G's

  2. David and Susan Sifford

    Hello G's,

    Thank you for the kind words, and we're thankful to the Lord.

    Nice to hear from you!

    — David

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