Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Thanksgiving 2014

The Lord was gracious and merciful again to allow us the opportunity to gather together as a group for our Thanksgiving fellowship meal for 2014! We thought we’d share some of the sights…

Before the meal:

The Men Outside Before Thanksgiving Festivities
Preparing for the Meal
More Preparing for the Meal
Ladies Fellowshipping Before the Meal
Young Folks Before the Meal

The tables:

Beautiful Thanksgiving Table Settings

And the food goodnesses! Thanks to the ladies for always preparing wonderful meals!

Main Meal Table 1
Main Meal Table 2
Dessert Table

Enjoying God’s provision of this daily bread and the fellowship He’s allowed us to have:

Eating the Thanksgiving Meal Together
More Eating the Thanksgiving Meal Together
A Young One and Her Mommy
A Snowman Delectable

After the meal, someone brought what I guess is called Trap Ball, where you set a sack-type ball on the end of a small teeter-totter device, hit one end with a paddle, which pops the ball up in the air, and then the idea is to hit the ball past everyone without it being caught on the fly. Lots of people participated!

Community Game of Trap Ball
More Trap Ball
Still More Trap Ball
And More Trap Ball Again
Some More Trap Ball
And Yet More Trap Ball

And finally, we continued on in John Owen’s works’ volume “The Glory of Christ“, which we’ve been at for several years now (we have just started the first “Meditations and Discourses on the Glory of Christ,” which is on pg 349):

Fellowship Sermon After the Meal

Once again, we are grateful to the Lord for allowing us this opportunity together, for His infinite graces and mercies, and His provisions both spiritual and temporal. May He always glorify Himself through us in whatever way He might.

— David


  1. bayougirl

    Looks like quite a wonderful time of giving thanks, eating delicious food and having great fellowship. May the Lord continue to bless your community. Thank you for sharing the pictures with us.

  2. Ellen

    I always enjoy your posts about the fellowship meals, thank you for sharing.

  3. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi bayougirl,

    Yes, we are always very thankful for the fellowship and community the Lord has granted us, and the times we are granted to be able to gather together.

    Hi Ellen,

    Glad you enjoy them!

    Thanks to you both for saying hello!

    — David

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