Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Turnips & Wheat 2012 – Update I

The Lord has graciously brought a mild winter and plenty of rain, and has granted that our turnip and wheat crops begin to flourish!

Here are the first turnips collected:

Turnips 2012 Collected in a Basket

You can see the size reference with the boot on top of the basket. They’re not all this big, but indeed some are fairly large:

Turnips 2012 Size Reference

And here is what the turnip field looks like currently. Many have bolted, and the tops of some of them have begun to rot–we had several days recently after rains where the sun didn’t shine and things remained wet, although the turnips themselves are still good. I also think I waited too long to begin harvesting:

Turnips 2012 in the Field

We are using the turnips basically as pig food right now, and they love them! There haven’t been many more joyous and satisfying moments here on the land for me than when I am able to feed our pigs solely from off the land–truly “living our dream” of being independent from the world and dependent on God and His provisions directly!

Here is the wheat field currently:

Wheat 2012

And here’s another picture with a closer view of Sue so you can get a better idea of the height, which is about up to our knees:

Wheat 2012 Up to Our Knees

We look forward to continuing to harvest the turnips and later the wheat, as the Lord wills; and we are grateful to Him for granting these provisions, and we pray He continue to help us in the steps of separation from the world as unto Him!

— David


  1. Manette

    How do you plan to harvest your wheat? I grew wheat last year and did everything by hand, cut/trash/winnow/grind/bake. Let me tell you it was HARD work. I have a new appreciation for my ancestors!
    Best wishes, Manette

  2. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Manette,

    Well, at this point by hand. We might have a neighbor that has a harvester, but I'm not counting on it. Also, I believe someone here is looking for a threshing machine (motorized or manual). But, in the end, I'm just planning on getting out the scythe and going from there. 🙂

    — David

  3. Manette

    I can't wait to hear how the harvest goes. This year I grew wheat for my hens. They really love the grass through the in winter and then of course the grain. I don't plan on harvesting any for myself, but at least I know how to do it now.

    I have the scythe that my great grandfather used in northwestern Oklahoma. It is too old to use now, but I keep it hung on the wall to remind me of the old ways.

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