Our journal of what we pray is our sojourn of life along the narrow way, even the old paths, submitting to the Bible as a light unto both.

Garden 2009 – Spring – Update I

The Lord has been gracious and merciful in granting the water provisions and growth thus far for our garden. We thought we’d just post a progress update.

Here are the onions, cabbage, and a few tomato plants in the first bed; and carrots in the second:

Again the carrots; squash, zucchini and cucumber in the next bed; green beans in the bed after that; and peppers and okra in the one after that (although you probably can’t see those too well):

These are more tomato plants:

And finally, the green shading you see in the cleared area are turnip sprouts. We also planted turnips in a tilled portion of our field (not pictured). We are hoping to grow them for ourselves, but mostly as animal feed:

We thank God for the progress on the garden and all of His provisions for it.

— David


  1. Kara Powers

    those are some happy-looking carrots! have you all gotten much rain in the past couple weeks?


  2. Anonymous

    Your garden looks wonderful! The rain sure helps. Gods wonderful blessings indeed!

  3. Manette

    Very, very pretty garden!

    Mine is not as far along as yours, but it is coming along with all the rain we’ve received.

    Happy gardening,


  4. David and Susan Sifford

    Thank you all for the comments. We are grateful to the Lord for granting the garden growth He has thus far. He’s been merciful too in not ordaining any damaging weather. We pray God’s graces and mercies on your gardens as well.

    Ryan, we haven’t received a lot of rain…maybe 1/2 to 3/4 inch every 8-10 days or so?

    We have been able to water the garden using the water from the cistern; but there is nothing like the rain, which soaks everything really nicely.

    — David

  5. Anonymous

    Great looking garden beds, David and Susan!

    Praise God indeed for sufficient rain thus far.

    Those carrots and turnips will appreciate “thinnning” as they mature to allow them space to fatten up. In the meantime you can enjoy the younger tender vegies to munch on, or can transplant the carrots and water in and they’ll continue to grow.

    What did you paint the box boards with? A special non toxic product? I’m curious, as I’m thinking of boxing in some beds yet this spring to open up more room in my main garden. Plan to plant lettuce, spinach, peas, etc. this weekend and then transplant vegies by mid may…still below 50 at night quite often here. We’ve had some nice rain this week so things have taken off (Rhubarb, asparagus, raspberries) and leafed out (flowers,trees, etc.).

    Thanks for sharing the pictures! How are all the baby goats doing? Do you still have the dogs?


  6. David and Susan Sifford

    Hi Beth,

    Thank you for the information.

    I just used a cheap, external paint on the wood for the beds.

    We were thinking of doing an animal catch-up post…we’ll have to put it on our list.

    Thanks for commenting.

    — David

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